Loki, fire's trickery Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Loki, fire's trickery

An infamous trickster deity, it is unknown what his true purpose is. Despite that, he has a very good reputation due to his followers stopping the slave trade on Faerûn.  


Loki appears as a humanoid with two horns coming out of his head, with green eyes, and slick backed hair. His symbol is that of snakes wrapping around each other, with vines wrapped within.  

Holy Days

There are currently no Holy Days for Loki, but it is said his main apostle will be hosting the first ever celebration soon.  


Loki's followers are of many different races and cultures, but are primarily Orcs, Giants, and Humans. This is probably due to several Orc and Giant tribes being freed by slavers.  

Loki's Code

  • Practical jokes and pranks are beneficial to society, encouraging people to see the world from a different viewpoint.
  • Look to find joy in every situation.
  • Trickery for one's own benefit, is fair game.
  • Fire is the purest form of trickery, as you never known if it will listen.
  • Make sure all those you care for can find joy. And those you don't... none.
  • Fire's Trickery
  • The Laughing God
  • The Prankster
  • Fire
  • Joy
  • Trickery


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