Lolth, Queen of Spiders Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Lolth, Queen of Spiders

Lolth, known as the Queen of Spiders or the Queen of the Demonweb Pits, is the most influential goddess of the drow. Lolth drove the drow into heavy infighting under the pretense of culling the weak, while her real goals were to hold absolute control over the drow, prevent the rise of alternative faiths or ideas.  


Her symbol is that of a skull spider with the tattoo of a web.  

Holy Days



Lolth's clerics are usually female. There are rare male clerics, but no male is allowed to achieve the rank of high priest. Her clerics wear red and black, and drow tunics and helms. The Spider Queen's sacred animals are (naturally) arachnids.   Lolth's priests are the rulers, police forces, judges, juries, and executioners of drow society. They wield power daily, and most do so in a manner in keeping with the cruel and capricious nature of Lolth herself. Priests of Lolth strive to act as Lolth wishes and to manipulate (often by brutal force) their fellow drow to do so too. The ultimate aim of every priest is to achieve and keep the Favor of Lolth. The duties of a priest are to do whatever is necessary to gain and to keep the Spider Queen's favor. Although treachery and cruelty are often rewarded, Lolth does not look kindly on those who let personal grudges and revenge-taking bring defeat or shame to their House, clan, city, or band.   Drow who fail Lolth are usually either slain or transformed into driders: centaur-like creatures that have spider-like bodies below their waists instead of a centaur's equine features. Other aberrations that Lolth transforms her victims into include the aracholoth, spiderleg horror, and brood mother.  

Teachings of Lolth

  • Fear is as strong as steel, while love and respect are soft and useless.
  • Convert or destroy nonbeliever drow.
  • Weed out the weak and the rebellious.
  • Queen of Spiders
  • Queen of the Drow
  • Queen of the Demonweb Pits
  • Drow
  • Spiders


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