Mab, Queen of Air and Darkness Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Mab, Queen of Air and Darkness

The Queen of Air and Darkness was a powerful archfey who rules over the Unseelie Court. She appears as a beautiful but terrible female faerie with angular features, bone-white skin, all-black eyes, and long black hair. This macabre patron who revels in hatred, enslavement, and death is opposed by fey deities for her corruption of the fey lineage.   Servitude to the Queen might be a form of enslavement to her. A creature under her tutelage might experience corruption and greed. It is unclear what the goal of the Queen might have as a patron.  


The Queen of Air and Darkness is depicted as a black diamond hovering in the air. Some say it the pendent she wears around her neck.  

Holy Days



She is served by unseelie fey, including brambles, quicklings, and spriggans. She is also known to have a fondness for yeth hounds and hell hounds.  

Rules of Power

  • Gain power by any means necessary.
  • Orders from the Queen must be obeyed.
  • Enslave those who are not worthy of being an ally.
  • Queen of Air and Darkness
  • Ruler of the Unseelie Court
  • Ruler of True Power
  • Necrotic
  • Shadow
  • Tempest
  • Night


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