Oberon, the Green Lord Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Oberon, the Green Lord

The Green Lord, is a mighty tracker and skilled warrior, finding strength in duels and games. Like a river, Oberon is volatile in his emotions; like a great oak, the Green Lord is strong and stern. To avoid the political machinations of the Seelie Court, and instead of employing wily illusions and magic, Oberon protects the fey with physical combat and brute strength. The god himself enjoys roaming in the Beastlands.  


Oberon appears as a tall and muscular male faerie. His eyes are blue and wild, his hair black and messing from travel. His depiction is usually a beautiful man fighting some foe/creature.  

Holy Days

Shieldmeet. The 1st of Ghidorah. The elves call this day 肉桂树 or Cinnaelos'Cor and followers of Oberon compete in grand archery contests.  


His worshipers are primarily composed of wilder, more nature-oriented fey such as satyrs, dryads, and treants, as well as some elves. In the mortal realm he is worshiped by Elves, Leonin, Satyr, Harengon, Firbolg, Tabaxi, Shifter, Centaur, Loxodon, Minotaur, and Grung.  

Oberon's Thoughts

  • Have fun in all things.
  • A good duel is fun, but even more so if you fight a worthy opponent.
  • Enjoy yourself, but don't ruin others fun.
  • Home is where you are.
  • Enjoy all cultures games and festivities.
  • The Green Lord
  • King Oberon
  • Lord of Beasts
  • Winner of Games
  • Freedom
  • Games
  • Hunt
  • Nature


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