Rabō, the Blade Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Rabō, the Blade

Rabō is slow to anger for a God of Calamity, but his wrath is inescapable once earned. He is always alert, and constantly moving. He didn't join either the Heavenly Court or the Devastation court during their wars, instead choosing to kill based on who offered him the greater reward. Due to this, the Heavenly Court deemed him un-trustable and sealed him in the void of the astral sea, and branded him a part of the Devastation Court.  


His depiction is actually a word; Hitokiri - 人斬り - or man-slayer. Seeing the word 人斬り on weapons or armors means the person is highly skilled and hopefully not after you.  

Holy Days



人斬り of Rabō get most of their training in small temples and on battlefields, where they train in the way of combat. The path of a 人斬り is that of a bounty hunter, assassin, hitman or any other occupation involving being skilled in the art of combat. Having them on your side is extremely useful but having them on the enemies side is cause to retreat.  

Path of the Blade

  • Good or Evil are terms for priests not warriors.
  • Have skills that make your targets believe a calamity is after them.
  • Your purpose is the way of the sword.
  • The Blade
  • God of Calamity
  • Calamity
  • Martial Arts
  • Swordsmanship


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