Run Yu, the God of Night Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Run Yu, the God of Night

Run Yu is a simple deity that enjoys his alone time while contemplating within the stars. People will pray to him for safe travels at night or to have better dreams.  


The symbol for the god of Night is a simple crescent moon. Depictions of him in temples is usually a pale yet beautiful man, of whatever race the artist choose.  


Offering to the Moon: Every full moon people go out at midnight and give an offering to Run Yu, usually food and small items.   Dream Stone: Before going to sleep individuals will place a stone with a crescent etched on it under their pillow/bed to be blessed with good dreams.  


Run Yu's followers are of many different races and cultures, but all are of a good nature. The Night's Wish are considered what the god of night hopes for all people to achieve.  

The Night's Wish

  • When awake only do things you can sleep sound doing.
  • Follow your dreams while not hurting others.
  • Walk your own path, without worrying about the opinions of others.
  • the God of Night
  • The Prince of Dreams
  • The Night's Frost
  • Cold
  • Dreams
  • Night


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