Shura, Protector of Nature Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Shura, Protector of Nature

The realm of Shura extends to wherever the seas shift and the land grows wild. As the keeper of the wilder­ness, Shura represents the wild creatures of nature, the rush of the angry rapids, and the heat-heavy stillness of the desert. Elves worship her, as do hunters, accept­ing her guidance to exist harmoniously within savage lands. Druids and clerics of Shura work together to preserve the balance of nature and civilization.  


Immortalized through wooden reliefs and carved idols in hidden, overgrown groves and rural shrines, Shura is shown as a beautiful woman with green skin nearly swallowed by a wild, tangled wreath of hair, leaves, and vines that dwarf her form. Her symbol is a wreath of grass and grain affixed to a crook.  

Holy Days

  Wild's Grandeur: Celebrated on the twenti­eth day of the third month. Her worshipers head out for no other reason than the pleasure of observing the natural beauty of their surroundings. Many take this day to appreciate the fruits and foods granted by nature, leaving offerings of delica­cies and small handmade crafts at her altars.  


The worshipers of Shura come from all walks of life, but they all share the common goal of loving nature and wanting to protect it. Many of Shura's followers join The Jade Enclave which seeks to protect nature.  

Commandments of Shura

  • Protect nature from destruction
  • Slay abominations and other mockeries of nature.
  • Embrace and respect the savage nature of the world. Exist in harmony with it.
  • Protecting nature is protecting life itself.
  • Nature's Mother
  • Protector of nature
  • Giver of Life and granter of Rebirth
  • Life
  • Nature
  • Rebirth


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