Spells: changes, rulings, or additions in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Spells: changes, rulings, or additions

This is a list of spell changes and additional spells added to the World(s). Please let me know, if you think a spell needs to be rebalanced or want to have an official ruling on a spell.   You can't learn a spell that Starts with a Character Name, unless you check with your DM. As the spell might not be in full world circulation.  

Official Spells

  Awaken: You can only have one awakened creature or plant at a time that travels with you, and it must be tracked on your character sheet. If it's left somewhere and doesn't come with you, you can have a number equal to your Spellcasting Modifier + Proficiency.   Conjure Woodland Creatures: Pixies are considered CR 2 when summoned through the Conjure Woodland Creatures spell.   Demiplane: The max amount of Demiplanes you can create is your Spellcasting Mod + Proficiency.   Find Familiar (CNNF): version that includes upcasting rules.
  • 4/2/2022: Rebalance of Upcasting rules.
  Finger of Death: The maximum amount of zombies you can have in this way is your Spellcasting Mod + Proficiency.    

Homebrew and non-WOTC spells

  Anticipate Weakness: (Kobold Press)   Avronin’s Astral Assembly: Created by the Archdruid Avronin. (Kobold Press)   Avoid Grievous Injury: (Kobold Press)   Blood Bond (sangromancy): Created by ???. (Grimm Hollow)   Consumption (sangromancy): Created by ???. (Grimm Hollow)   Creeping Death (sangromancy): Created by ???. (Grimm Hollow)   Crimson Lash (sangromancy): Created by ???. (Grimm Hollow)   Cyrus' Psybeam: Created by the Archmage Cyrus. (CNNF)   Dark Bullet: (Dark's Compendium)   Distracting Divination: (Kobold Press)   Distraction Cascade: (Kobold Press)   Eavesdropping: Created by the Hermit. (CNNF)   Future Strike: This spell was created by Athyria and Orin. (CNNF)   Heartseeker (sangromancy): Created by ???. (Grimm Hollow)   Ill-Fated Word: (Kobold Press)   Kurohitsugi-Black Coffin: Created by the Necromancer Profion. (CNNF- inspired by Bleach)   Loretta's Greatbow: Created by Loretta. (CNNF)   Mortality (sangromancy): Created by ???. (Grimm Hollow)   Planar Lock: This spell was created by the Deities and used by the Trinity. (SwordMeow)   Red Rain (sangromancy): Created by ???. (Grimm Hollow)   Sense Lifeblood (sangromancy): Created by ???. (Grimm Hollow)  

Seth's Serpentine Ascendance

Created by the champion Seth (CNNF)
Spell Info
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V S M (a drop of yuan-ti blood, a snake fang, and a sacred jade amulet worth at least 500 gp, which the spell consumes)
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Druid, Wizard
With this ancient and forbidden ritual, the caster taps into the divine power granted by Seth, the Creator of the Yuan-ti. By tracing intricate patterns in the air and chanting sacred incantations, the caster can transform a humanoid creature into a Yuan-ti.   The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature's body undergoes a profound transformation, as their flesh morphs into scales, their limbs elongate, and their eyes become serpentine. They lose their previous racial traits and instead gain the racial traits of a Yuan-ti, retaining its personality and memories. The transformation is permanent unless dispelled by a wish spell or similar magic.
  Steal Innate Power (sangromancy): Created by ???. (Grimm Hollow)   Shield Bane: This spell was created by the Templars of Aroth to fight against the mages of Aroth. (CNNF)
  • Rebalanced on 4/2/2022.
  • Theft of Vitae (sangromancy): Created by ???. (Grimm Hollow)   Theller's Argauneau: Created by Archmage Theller. (Ed Greenwood)   Transmogrification: Created by ???. (Critical Role: Widogast's Transmogrification)   Velstadt's Time Loop: Created by Time Mage Velstadt. (Kobold Press)   Wilting Smite (sangromancy): Created by ???. (Grimm Hollow)


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