Taiwei, the Gold Emperor Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Taiwei, the Gold Emperor

Taiwei is known as a beautiful god whose vitality gives him the looks of a younger deity even though his age is great. The Gold Emperor is the current ruler of the Heavenly Court of Dicathen and is known to bring his worshippers all of the glories of the world.  


The Elvish rune for prosperity is used as his symbol. Statues of him are made of marble with gold trim and depict him as a vibrant and charismatic man.  

Holy Days



The followers of Taiwei are those who seek something from his portfolios, be it riches or youth. His Golden Laws reflect how one can earn his blessing.  

Golden Laws

  • Train and maintain one's body, as it is the key to everything.
  • Find glory in the world and you gain power and wealth.
  • Political accomplishment, Military accomplishment, and Knowledge are all forms of power.
  • Donations to the church show one's merit.
  • The Gold Emperor
  • Heavenly Ruler
  • The Merchant's Friend
  • Charisma
  • Glory
  • Vitality
  • Wealth


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