Tenjin, the Scholar Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Tenjin, the Scholar

Being the God of Teaching, he has values for those who pray to him, have diligence, and work hard. He is very wise and often speaks in a poetic manner. He believes that knowledge leads to the betterment of oneself and the world.  


Tenjin appears to be a middle-aged man around his late 50's to 70's, with grey hair, when down, that is shoulder length. He is normally seen wearing a black priest's outfit. His symbol is that of the folding fan, many of his followers carry one.  

Holy Days



Teachers, scholars, and students are some of his most devoted followers as it is said he increases one's ability to learn.  

Tenjin's Tenants

  • Have Diligence and work hard.
  • Spread your knowledge to the world only is it is knowledge that improves the world.
  • Learning the mysteries of the world is a noble task.
  • Before you pass write a book.
  • The Scholar
  • God of Learning
  • God of Teaching
  • Knowledge
  • Medicine


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