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The Heavenly Court

The Heavenly Court is divided into two ranks; the Upper Heaven and the Middle Heaven. The Middle Heaven used to be called Lower Heaven, but they changed it due to Lower Heaven sounding too cheap when Heavenly Officials of that rank would announce it to mortals.  

Upper Heaven

There are only a few Deities in this rank, and all of them own an area of the Heavenly Realm. Some of the Deities own their own plane of existence within the other realms as well. The duties of an Upper Rank varies based on the individual deity's portfolio, skills, and power.   A deity's portfolio is what Aspect it both represents and has power over. Ideas, emotions, creatures, schools of magic, natural laws, and other topics related to existence could all become part of a deity's portfolio.  

Middle Heaven

When deities of the Upper Heaven come to fancy certain individuals due to their "potential", they have the ability to appoint them, making them part of the so called Middle Heaven or Middle Court. Individuals of the Middle Court are usually referred to as angels, prophets, chosen ones, etc... but in the Heavenly Realms they are referred to as Heavenly Officials (神官, Shénguān) and their main duty is to serve their main Deity.  

Heavenly Court Deities


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