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The Shieldsmith

The flash of inspiration giving birth to an idea, the perseverance to bring ideas to reality, and the will to wield those creations in defense of those you hold dear. These are the gifts of the Shieldsmith. Though his faith boasts few temples, his symbol is found in many forges, workshops and craft halls. His mark emblazoned upon the finest masterpieces throughout the worlds. The Dragon-Winged Shield etched upon a weapon or piece of armor is an assurance of the highest quality, for no crafter would offer anything less than a masterpiece in his name.  


The Shieldsmith is generally depicted as a handsome young man wearing the garb of local crafters and artisans. Smiths, carvers, weavers and more claim him as their Patron, and so display him with the tools of their trade. The one constant is the mask covering his eyes but revealing a mischievous grin.  

Holy Days

Days of Rest: Followers of the Shieldsmith are expected to rest as well as work. They are to lay down their tools and arms at least one day in seven to enjoy leisure. They are to open themselves to the world and the inspiration it brings. Some exception is made for times of crisis, but standing militaries make a point to stagger their rest days to ensure they are properly staffed.   Festival of the Unknown: the Festival of the Unknown takes place every year on the Spring Equinox. It is a celebration from a winter of hard work and a release from the various tensions that build after months stuck inside with the same people. It is a festival of music, food, and dancing that often stretches for several days. While traditions differ from region to region, the most consistent and important element are the masks and the assumed anonymity that comes with them. Everyone is assumed to be a friendly stranger, even if one thinks they can identify others. Magic is often use to disguise oneself, or even imitate the general appearance of others. The masks are meant to free the revelers from the shackles of propriety and allow them to relieve tensions of all sort. Anything goes so long as no one gets hurt, but it is best not to take it too far. It is said that the gods themselves occasionally choose to take part in the festivities. One can never truly be certain who, or what lies behind a mask during the Festival of the Unknown.  


The Shieldsmith is worshiped by crafters of all varieties and races. He is also worshiped by guardsmen and others who seek to protect that which is precious to them. His blessings are know to strengthen shields, sharpen minds, and spark inspiration in creators.   Guardian of the Warforged: While he was not involved in their creation, the Shieldsmith has shown special favor to the Warforged. Many are still mistrustful of the gods as a whole, but faith within these artificial lifeforms has steadily grown. The Shieldsmith has long aided them, inspiring methods for repair and upgrades. Though the secret of their birth is still a mystery, it is said that the Shieldsmith grants special protection to those Warforged seeking the ultimate goal of all life: Propagation.  


  • All that causes destruction can also be used to protect.
  • Where you come from is meaningless, what you do is everything.
  • Family is more than blood, and must be fervently protected.
  • A tired hand is a sloppy hand. A sloppy hand causes more harm than good.
  • Mingling work and romance leads to distraction. Distraction leads to unnecessary danger. That is how people die.
  • Shieldsmith
  • Father of Artificing
  • Armorer of the Divine
  • Lord of Guardians
  • Crafting
  • Protection


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