Titania, Queen of the Summer Court Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Titania, Queen of the Summer Court

Queen of the Summer Feywild, mightiest of all archey, ruler of the Seelie Court, and the Faerie Queen Titania, is an accomplished strategist with a dry sense of humor and practical level head. Peculiarly, Titania is affectionate to and amused by mortal beings. Like other sylvans, Titania is immune to paralysis, illusions, power words, and physical damage. Adept at charming and woodland magics, Titania fondly stewards all fey beings: brownies, dryads, pixies, satyrs, sprites, treants, unicorns, and so forth.  


Titania appears as an eladrin of immense beauty. Her skin is the color of honey and her hair shimmered in all of the colors of autumn leaves. Her eyes glow with gold like the sun. Her symbol is usually a beautiful rose surrounded by the local farming export.  

Holy Days

Fantasia: A Festival held every year on the 1st of Shenron. There is a huge parade and spellcasters display their Magic in a fantastical performance. The event is looked forward to by all the races.  


Titania is worshiped by a plethora of non-evil fey beings. Brownies, bookas, pixies, and sprites consider her their patron deity. She is also worshiped by people who love nature and family.  

Fairy's Code

  • Protect what you call family and home.
  • We don't die for our friends, we live for our friends.
  • Take time to enjoy the scenery.
  • Don't forgive those who kill the innocent.
  • Summer Queen
  • Faerie Queen
  • Queen of Light
  • Queen of the Seelie Court
  • Arcana
  • Day
  • Light
  • Summer


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