Tuyao, the Heavenly Empress Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Tuyao, the Heavenly Empress

The wife to the Gold Emperor is known by all to have the most soothing of voices. It is said that her songs have the power to make people fall in love, to be brave enough to face greater foes, and inspire people to do what's right.  


Tuyao's symbol is that of a hummingbird, due to it being her turn form. People believe she flys around spread the birds song to make people happy.  

Holy Days



Tuyao's follower are usually birdfolk and those with an appreciation for music. Her followers listen to her beliefs.  

Tuyao's Beliefs

  • Use music to express yourself and to reach others.
  • Protect the wildlife around you.
  • Birds and music are beautiful things and should be admired.
  • Music can be used to empower those around you.
  • The Heavenly Empress
  • The Queen of Heaven
  • The Songstress
  • Birds
  • Music


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