Tymora or Lady Luck Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Tymora or Lady Luck

Tymora or more commonly Lady Luck, is the goddess of good fortune. She shines upon those who take risks in life. If you gain her favor, is to have luck on your side.  


Lady Luck's depiction is that of a face-up coin, with the carving of a women. The exact look of the women changes based on the area, for some it's their queen and for others a simple picture of their love.  

Holy Days

  Gambler's Fate: The 21st of Shenton is a day of cosmic betting. Any bet made on this day is held by a magic oath to be fulfilled. There is lots of gambling and competitions to test one's luck. Some individuals use this day for extremely high stakes betting.  



The Church of Tymora

Commonly consisting of adventurers and others who relied on a mixture of luck and skill to achieve their goals, the Tymoran clergy encouraged folk to pursue their dreams. They were also duty-bound to aid the daring by providing healing and even some minor magic items. It's believed that the more good you do for the world the better your luck will be overall.   Shrines and temples of Tymora were widespread as the needs of adventurers to be healed made the temples wealthy. These places of worship often differed significantly from each other in powers, manners, and titles though, with little overall authority or hierarchy.  

Tymora's Tenets

  1. One should be bold, for to be bold is to live.
  2. Place yourself in the hands of fate and trust to your own luck.
  3. Those who do good are blessed with good fortune.
  • Lady Luck
  • The Smiling Lady
  • Holder of Fate
  • Charisma
  • Fortune
  • Wisdom


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