Tyr, the Wise Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Tyr, the Wise

Tyr is the inspiration behind many laws and orders within society. Judges and rulers pay respect at his temples, which are central structures in many cities across Alacrya. Peace and order through structure and law. To follow him is to obey the law above all else, as the law was written to maintain peace and balance in the world.   Tyr is known to be the father of Tymora.  


Tyr is often seen embodied as a set of scales over the hammer of justice. This is to symbolize that anyone who disturbs the order of the world will be smited with the hammer of justice. Tyr is also portrayed as a blind old man who sees only being seeing into the hearts of those around him.  

Holy Days



Among Tyr's worshipers were judges, lawyers, magistrates, the oppressed, paladins, and police. Tyr's most powerful worshipers are known to have some form of control over gravity.  

The Tython Council

The Tython Council is a monastic peacekeeping organization unified by its beliefs and views on how society should be ruled. The monks of the order are judges and peacekeepers all over Alacrya. The order is lead by a high council of 10 members, who give order to the council's they hold in several major cities. Many Kings and Queens allow members of the Tython council as seated members in the courts. The Tython monks are known to work with paladins of other deities in order to enforce the law.  

The Tython Code

  • Laws protect the people.
  • Those who are ignorant of the law, must be taught the law.
  • Even a king must be held to the law.
  • If unjust laws are in place, it is our duty to correct them.
  • The Wise
  • Upholder of Law
  • The Judge
  • Balance
  • Gravity
  • Order
  • Wisdom


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