Vhaeraun, The Lord of Shadow Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Vhaeraun, The Lord of Shadow

…Why are things so cruel and divisive? Why isn't there more harmony, mutual enjoyment, and common growth in power? Why, after thousands of years, are we still all stuck in this one cavern…?
  He hold the unique view among drow that males and females were equally valuable, and is primarily prayed to by those drow males who sought a better life than slavery under Lolth's matriarchy. Vhaeraun appears as a normal male drow; handsome with a slim, graceful, and toned physique. He can change his size as he wants and appears between anywhere between 6 to 16 feet. His body is surrounded by shadow that did not just darken, but his body seemingly disappeared when this shadow went over him.  


Vhaeraun's symbol is a half-mask. One variation consisted of two black lenses forming a mask. There was also a slight variation of this symbol that consisted of a black mask with two blue lenses.  


Vhaeraun's followers are almost entirely Drow males. There is no main church to him due to his followers being constantly hunted down by the followers of Lolth.  

Vhaeraun's Promise

  • Lolth will fall.
  • Gender-fair society
  • Everyone who wants power can have it.
  • You shall and should enjoy life to the fullest.
  • The Lord of Shadow
  • The Masked Lord
  • The Masked Mage
  • Shadow
  • Thievery
  • Trickery


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