Xu Feng, the Phoenix Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Xu Feng, the Phoenix

Xu Feng is a kind and noble god. He is willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good. He is worshiped by warriors, guards and soldiers who believe his strength will flow into them giving them the power to make it through the battles ahead. The Phoenix is in charge of the armies of heaven and is known as a very accomplished general who leads from the frontlines.  


The Phoenix is often seen emblazoned on shields, weapons, and armor as a phoenix with its wings open. These open wings showing that he will welcome those of honor.  

Holy Days

Pomidor: Followers of the Phoenix bathe themselves in tomato juice and wear only rags, to symbolize the blood of war and to sympathize with the less fortunate they are sworn to protect.  


The Phoenix's followers are of many different races and cultures, but all are of a good nature. His trust followers obey the Fire's Code.  

Fire's Code

  • War is only to protect the innocent and free those under evil.
  • True evil should be destroyed at all costs, even the cost of one's self.
  • Let your flame be the beacon of hope in this land.
  • Light the way for the unfortunate.
  • The Phoenix
  • The god of Fire
  • The Immortal One
  • Fire
  • Rebirth
  • War


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