Deserts of Apophis

The Deserts of Apophis are a long untamed and lawless region bordered on all four sides my one of the world's largest mountain ranges. The only people who have been able to call them home within the last 10,000 years are nomadic tribes of Yuan-ti    


  The Deserts of Apophis are an unrelenting swath of sand dune after sand dune.  Being surrounded, on all four sides by mountains has managed to keep out all, but the most determined of people. However, most don't want to go there. Just as the people who are there don't want to leave.   To enter or leave the dessert one would have to travel through dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of miles of towering mountains with unrelenting wind and snowstorms.   The only place with any abundance of greenery would be the shores of the rivers that wind their way down through the dunes from the mountains as well as the banks of the large Lage in the middle of the desert.    In the middle of the lake layes yet another desert that borders a giant message. Atop  the message lays one of the world's largest and oldest temples. Perhaps the only Yuan-ti temple remaining in the world.   It's due to the separation between the inner and outer deserts that the lake has provided that the deserts are called the Deserts of Apophis.  


  The only people that have ever been able to survive the harsh climates are the Yuan-ti people due to their physiology. However, over the years many more of the Yuan-ti people have made the perilous journey from all around the world to the deserts of Apophis. The reason behind this being that during the Great war something changed and suddenly the Yuan-ti people were being hunted and enslaved as almost if for sport.   So in fear of people coming to hunt them down and enslave them, the yuan-ti people have decided to live in nomadic tribes instead of the once powerful civilization they were.


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