Kuuni, Animal (Coo-knee)

*This article is about the animal, not about the Kuuni variation of Catfolk. For that please see Kuuni, Catfolk*  
The Kuuni are some of the most beautiful creatures that I have ever encountered. They aren't as magnificent as dragons, obviously, but really what can be?...   ...If you really want to encounter a Kuuni, then you need to go into the remote wilderness. Places where we almost never see. If you're lucky, you might find one bathing in the moonlight.  
~An excerpt from "Not-So-Mythical Beasts" by Taliyah Valtoris


  Kuuni are the rarest of all the felines. Due to their ability to harness moonbeams, they have long been thought to be mythical.


  Kuuni are breathtaking creatures. They are by far the largest of the pure felines. As far as has been seen, their full adult size ranges between a large direwolf and a large saber tooth tiger.   Their silky smooth, short fur changes colour with the phases of the Moon. During the full moon it is a shimmering silver, much reminiscent of the moonlight. During the new moon, we have seen a couple different coat colors. The most typical is a sleek black, darker than the darkest night. However, we have also seen a dark purple, like that of the sky between twilight and dusk, or a dark green, much like the trees in a forest under a pale moon's light.   Their tails tend to be long and sleek and come to a rounded end. Their ears have a small tuft, not unlike a lynx, coming of the top.   Their eyes are the most unique amongst all felines. Instead of slitting vertically like most cats, they tend to slit in the shape of a crescent moon. So depending on the amount of light their eyes receive, you might be able to see every phase of the moon within them. The variation in eye colour is much broader than what we have seen so far in fur.  


    Kuuni have a tendency to be very aloof in nature. They have a very strong hatred for any of the humanoid races or anything that might bother them or cause any form of stress. However, if one does happen to imprint on someone of a humanoid race, then that person has gained the most loving, caring, loyal pet the possibly could have had. It could be argued that you can't even call it a pet it's more of a lifelong companion. Lifelong or until the Kuuni gets bored.   If one does acquire a Kuuni companion, then they will notice a huge shift in demeanor from that aloof and uninterested creature. Instead, this massive feline will actually act as if it were the smallest cat in the world, thinking itself to be but a small house kitten and will act as such. Which could potentially be dangerous to their humanoid, but they do it out of love. They absolutely love scratches behind the ear, being pet, and receiving love... As long as they're in the mood for it.   However, most Kuuni will just ignore whatever is in the area. They are the ultimate predator of whatever area they are in. They will avoid any area where a more dangerous predator, such as a dragon, might reside. They tend to stay away from all humanoid civilization for the sheer fact that they find them utterly annoying. In fact, they are so unthreatened by the majority of humanoids that if they don't take an interest in you and you approach, they will just walk away. Literally bending moonlight to their will to walk across the sky.    


  As mentioned, Kuuni prefer to be far from civilization. Therefore, they tend to make their homes in the far reaches of the wilderness. Some prefer deep forests, others prefer wide mountain ranges. However, from the information gathered, it appears as though Kuuni's favourite location is in a forest a long a small river, lake, or pond, nestled in a valley deep within a mountain range. There they can be the Kuuni they truly are without any prying eyes or possible annoyances.

Cover image: Kuuni by Midjourney AI


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Aug 3, 2023 23:15 by Patricia

Beautiful creature with an incredible fantasy vibe. I can totally see one as a beloved companion to a main character or player character. What is their social behavior with each other? In real life, cats sort of treat humans as if they're fellow cats-- is this what they're doing when they "adopt" humanoids? How long do they live? What do they eat-- is it hard to care for one if it befriends you? Do their moon powers affect their hunting or their lifespan?

Aug 16, 2023 19:48

I have so much I want to write about this animal. The time constraints made it hard(I only learned about summer camp in the last 2-3 days of the prompt portion and still tried for silver. ) yeah they would treat the humanoids they "adopt" as fellow cats.   Currently a lot is unknown about these creatures as few have really encountered them. I'm sure Tal will be writing a lot more about them over her time with hers. She has a passion for the not-so-mythical creatures.

Aug 6, 2023 18:24 by E. Christopher Clark

There is so much to love here, from the title of the book the opening quote is taken from (Not-So-Mythical Beasts) to the line "Lifelong or until the Kuuni gets bored" and so much more. Well done!

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Aug 16, 2023 19:44

I really appreciate the feedback! I never expected to get such great feedback from you. Thank you so much!