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Ministry of Arcane Anomalies and Esoteric Affairs

Members of the Ministry of Arcane Anomalies and Esoteric Affairs are tasked with investigating and analyzing mystical phenomena within elven society. Their duties encompass a wide range of responsibilities, including researching ancient texts and artifacts, probing unusual magical occurrences, and cataloging supernatural phenomena. They collaborate closely with scholars, wizards, and other experts to unravel the mysteries of arcane anomalies, seeking to understand their origins, implications, and potential risks to elven society. Additionally, they may advise government officials on matters related to magical safety and regulation, as well as contribute to the development of policies aimed at managing and harnessing magical forces for the benefit of the elven people.

Chief Arcanist Investigator: Wendella Aldaviel
Senior Enchantment Analyst: Lyria Virta'Elshaday 

Occult Artifact Specialist: Kenver Gribble 

Astral Phenomena Researcher: Aldyn Radcliffe 
Governmental, Department
Alternative Names


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