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The town itself looks beautiful. With its willow wood rooftops, birch wood walls and bamboo forest, Mozia has a entrancing atmosphere. The main attraction is the greenhouse, which was built 43 years ago and designed by dwarves.  


Shop Owner/Run By Type
Rewalt's Magic Quill Rewalt Csaba Bookstore
The Dragon's Arcana Irein Lilliana Misc. Magic/Trader
Holme's Magical Armaments Holme Houzier Blacksmith
Arroc's General Store Arroc Arroway General Goods
Ivy Passage Ranch Athard Wynne Stables

Points of Interest

Fernleaf Greens: a mythical greenhouse with plants and oozes to walk by and watch. Most greenhouses are standard and made of glass, however, when the Greens were built, the dwarves who designed it made it into a dome shape, with magical barriers to keep any of the plants or oozes from escaping. Entry is 5 SP.
Arurson Residence: a single story stone-walled building, the home and personal library of a male dwarf sage names Hasve. He specializes in the study of language and runes.


35% Orc/Half-Orc, 25% Human, 18% Elf, 15% Halfling, 7% Other


All laws of the city are decided by the Empire, and are enforced by Dutchess Nateva Hashke and the Dragonsguard

Industry & Trade

Farming, Traveling merchants,


Roads, Windmills, Sewers
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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