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Valenar High Elf

Elven culture began on the distant continent of Xen’drik. Tens of thousands of years ago, the elves rose up against the giants who ruled that land. Ultimately, the elves fled from Xen’drik and settled the island nation of Aerenal. There they split into two distinct cultures: the introspective Aereni and the warlike Tairnadal. While neither of these cultures have much interest in human activities, a small number of elves have immigrated to Khorvaire over the years and have integrated with the cultures of the Five Nations.   As a whole, elves are driven by tradition and respect for the past. Where humans value innovation, elves strive to perfect the techniques of their ancestors. With centuries to devote to their studies, the elves are masters of their chosen crafts; at the same time, their society has changed very little over the last five thousand years, while Khorvaire is constantly evolving. As an elf, consider your relationship with the past. Do you value the traditions of your ancestors? Or do you fear that your people are too mired in the past, and need to find a way forward?   Elves of Valenar Your people are dedicated to the arts of war. Millenia ago, your ancestors fought an epic war against mighty giants. When they came to Khorvaire, they battled the champions of the goblin empire. The greatest heroes of those struggles live on after death, known as the patron ancestors. When you became an adult, one of the patron ancestors formed a bond with you. Now it is your duty to follow in the footsteps of your patron, living your life as they lived theirs, allowing this champion to live on through you. This is why your people constantly seek out conflict; you need to find challenges worthy of a hero.   In creating a Valenar, think about your patron ancestor. Your class should reflect their class; if you’re a wizard, your ancestor was likely a legendary archmage. If you’re a ranger, was your ancestor a famous blademaster, or a stealthy hunter? Was your ancestor chivalrous or merciless? Bold or clever? Whatever their nature, it’s your duty to follow their example. Is this something you proudly embrace, or do you resist it? Each patron ancestor is tied to many Valenar: do you have a particular rival who channels the same ancestor, or one who channels a rival of your ancestor?   It’s also important to think about why you are traveling with a group of player characters instead of serving in a Valenar warband. Are you driven by visions from your patron ancestor? Are you pursuing an epic quest that mirrors their legendary deeds? Do you seek vengeance for the death of a friend or ally? Or have you turned away from your people, either by choice or because of the actions of a rival?
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