A Certain Webnovel

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Crimson Court: Heart of the Demon King

Article Talk
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Crimson Court: Heart of the Demon King is a serialized yaoi romance webnovel written by WHOEVER and begain serialization in 20xx. A webcomic adaptation is currently under development from the original author and the artist ANYONE, to be published on ComicCorner.   The story takes place in a fantastical realm populated by demons and Celestials. It follows a mysterious man, Dante Savoy, as he investigates the disappearance of a friend while navigating complicated personal and political entanglements within the titular Crimson Court. The first half of the novel series is focused on political intrigue and the mystery of the disappearance, while the second half has focused on the consequences of a political coup enacted by the primary antagonist, Astaroth.   While successful, it has also drawn criticism for its handling of mature themes such as abuse, violence and heavily sexual themes.   The series is currently ongoing.  

In a world of demons and gods, injustice and strict social hierarchies, Dante Savoy is a wildcard. His closest friend while growing up in the demon realm, Incaendium, is a water demon named Rami. As an adult, Rami joins the harem of a powerful demon - Samael Asther, king of the nation-state of Amaya. Years later, he abruptly disappears without explanation, forcing Dante to join the harem as well in the hopes of solving the mystery of his friend's disappearance. This brings him into extremely close contact with Samael himself, a seemingly heartless king interested only in power and sex. However, when a close friend betrays the demon king, Dante and Samael are forced to cooperate to save Amaya... and maybe themselves!  

Main characters   Dante Savoy
Dante Savoy is the primary protagonist of the novel. As a child abandoned (or orphaned) by his parents, Dante grew up in an orphanage in a demon-nation called Amaya alongside his best friend, a water demon named Rami. When they reached adulthood, Dante manifested a unique set of abilities, allowing him to begin a successful career first as a high-powered military asset and then as a mercenary and bounty hunter, while his less talented friend joined the harem of the local demon Lord, Samael. After Rami disappears, Dante joins the harem himself in order to investigate the disappearance and either find or avenge his friend. However, once he arrives he becomes enmeshed in the ever-shifting political and personal alliances that shape Amayan society. He also finds himself forming a conflicted relationship with the man at the center of everything - including Rami's disappearance, Samael Asther.
  Samael Asther
Samael Asther is the love interest and initial antagonist; a half-incubus demon king who is seemingly interested only in pleasure and power. Initially presented as an all-powerful villain, he transitions into a secondary hero after being stripped of his power and status by a conspiracy headed by Astaroth Dracothis. As the Lord of Amaya, Samael is uncompromising and authoritarian, ruling both his land and his people with an iron, but even-handed, fist. Most of the machinations, politics and alliance shifting in the early chapters revolves around various characters' attempts to win his favor, and all of the benefits it confers. After his deposement, Samael and Dante develop a romantic connection that is complicated by the fact that Samael's having executed Rami.
  Astaroth Dracothis
Astaroth Dracothis is Samael's lifelong best friend, and the primary antagonist of the novel. An incubus with an affinity for dragons, Astaroth grows to resent his friend's control over him and forms a conspiracy to overthrow him. The attempt is successful, and Astaroth is able to steal Samael's power, allowing him to take control of Amaya. Before the coup, Astaroth is known to be manipulative and sadistic. Afterward, Astaroth's mistreatment of Amaya and mistreatment of Samael's inner circle leads to numerous executions, and the formation of an underground rebel movement aiming to overthrow him. There is a suggestion that his inability to properly manage the immense power he steals from Samael may be destabilizing to his mental stability, leading to his deterioration into a tyrant.
Asmodeus is an incubus and one of Samael's concubines. When the story begins, Asmodeus is Samael's longtime favorite. Asmodeus generally dresses in the equivalent of women's lingerie. A social butterfly who appears self-centered and callous, this masks surprising compassion, and an insecurity that is fed by Samael's inaccessibility. When Dante first arrives, Asmodeus serves as a mentor of sorts. He is rarely seen without Dagon. After Samael is deposed, Asmodeus is captured by Astaroth, tortured and help captive before ultimately being rescued by Dagon. His ultimate fate remains unknown.
  Isis Asther
Isis is Samael's mother, a powerful succubus who holds political power second only to Samael himself. Manipulative and strong-willed, she encourages and enables all of Samael's worst qualities, believing that they make him stronger. Their relationship is unusually intense, bordering on emotionally incestuous, driven by Isis's long-established practice of sabotaging his relationships in order to emotionally isolate him within her influence. One of those attempts resulted in Rami's execution, as she accused him of having an affair with Cain, who was Samael's consort at the time. Though she is initially distrustful of Dante, during Astaroth's insurrection, Isis charges Dante with restoring Samael to his glory before sacrificing herself, allowing him to escape.
Grigorius is a concubine and former friend of Samael's. A seraph angel, Grigorius was a high ranking commander in the Celestial Host before his soldiers were killed, and he was captured and tortured, by a demon with a personal grudge against him. This resulted in the loss of his wings. He took revenge on the demon, but his actions were deemed unjust by the leaders of Paradisa and he was exiled. He took refuge in Amaya, becoming one of Samael's concubines. Despite his injuries, Grigorius is a formidable warrior as well as an excellent fire mage. He joins the resistance to Astaroth's rule in order to save Samael's former consort, Cain, with whom Grigorius had fallen in love. He is considered a fallen angel.
Dante Savoy's childhood friend and a concubine of Samael's. Though he is deceased before the novel begins, he is very present through the memories and whispers of others. Rami was executed by Samael Asther under the belief that he was having an affair with Samael's then consort, Cain.
  Supporting Characters   Leviael
Leviael is a fallen angel and Samael's most loyal follower. He initially serves as Samael's handler and hit man. He is also the head of the Shadow Sentinels, a branch of Amaya's military roughly equivalent to the American secret service. After Samael's power is drained, Leviael and Isis cooperate to save him from Astaroth. They are successful, but it costs both Isis and Leviael their lives.
Cain is one of Samael's concubines, as well as his former consort of three hundred years. The relationship came to an end two hundred years ago when Samael came to believe Cain had fallen in love with someone else, but it is evident that they still have fond memories of one another. Though human, Cain appears to be a young man, as Samael's feelings for him has halted his aging. When Samael's powers are taken by Astaroth, Cain begins to age and an accelerated pace. Assuming he is still alive, Cain is currently imprisoned beneath Asther Palace. Cain is a close friend of Grigorius, who joins the rebellion in the hope of freeing him.
A water djinn, one of Samael's concubines, and Asmodeus's closest friend. He is quiet and disinterested in politics, but fiercely protective of his friend. He was last seen rescuing Asmodeus from imprisonment. He is named after Dagon, who is a sea god within the context of the novel.
Azrael is a prisoner beneath Samael's castle. Though he arrived in Amaya with Leviael claiming they had both fallen, Azrael was actually a spy for Paradisa. When he was discovered, he was captured and imprisoned. He was subsequently freed by Astaroth and currently serves as his right-hand man. He is not aware that Astaroth killed Leviael.
Beelzebub is a debil (a low ranking demon), and the head chef and entertainment executive in the Asther home. He now serves as an inside man for the rebellion force gathering around Samael Asther and Dante Savoy.
A gargoyle and the palace gardener. He has been shown to have survived the coup as he continues to maintain the garden despite the change in regime.
One of the new concubines. He triggers Asmodeus's insecurity when Samael takes a particular interest in him upon arrival. His current whereabouts are unknown, but he has been shown to have survived the coup.
Influences and Themes

WHOEVER has cited the "epic but disastrous" love stories such as Othello or Lancelot and Guinevere as the inspiration for the past romance of Samael and Cain. The inspiration for the central relationship between Samael and Dante is inspired by more modern stories - WHOEVER credits it to the trope of the "jerk reformed by love" in many of the romantic WebBalloon series that they follow or have followed.   The world itself is influenced by both Greek mythology and Judeo-Christian mythos, but WHOEVER has admitted that they did not consider accuracy when choosing the portrayals of the demons associated with many of the names used in the book. They also cite dark stories such as MGGR's "Story of Metal and Steel" or the classic manga "Go Wild!" as influencing the tone of the world and themes represented therein. In an interview, WHOEVER stated, "I like a lot of different things, and I just wanted to put them altogether into one thing that I could also like a lot, and give it all an LGBT angle, because I've always wished there were more fantasy and romance stories that featured inclusive relationships."  
Reception and Controversies

Crimson Court has been generally well-received, and specifically praised for its ability to maintain a balance between the plot and romantic elements. However, some have criticized the series for its portrayal of mature or controversial subject matter such as abuse and what amounts to sexual slavery. In a 20xx review, WebSerial Today! said:  
WHOEVER opens several dark doors, but is reluctant to walk too deep into the shadows, which can be problematic. While the story does not actively glamorize or romanticize things like sex slavery, physical and/or emotional abuse or murder, and those who engage in them are clearly terrible people, it does pull punches that leave room for others to do so. This is all the worse because the primary offender is the romantic lead, Samael, himself, and his crimes have thus far been glazed over as the author pursues the "jerk reformed by love" trope that they admit to loving so much.
  On XX, XX, 20XX, a college student, Jason Duck, was hit by a truck while crossing the street. He was reading Crimson Court at the time. Though he miraculously survived, the incident stirred up a conversation about potential regulations on device use while walking.  

Crimson Court: Heart of the Demon King has been serialized on WebBook since January 20th, 20xx and continues to serialize now. Nine volumes of the purported ~12 volume run have been released.  

Web Novel

No. Title
01 Enter: The Crimson Court!
Years ago, veteran mercenary Dante Savoy's best friend, Rami, moved to Amaya, looking for a better life. Since then, they have seen each other rarely, but kept in touch through magical journals. At first, when Rami stops responding to Dante's entries, he assumes Rami has just become busy - perhaps he's finally found his fortune and is busy working. Dante spends most of his time working, as well, after all. When days turn to weeks and then to months and then to years, Dante figures they've just grown apart. But when Dante finds himself in Amaya on business, he finds out the terrible truth: Rami has been missing for decades. Feeling guilty for never having taken their silence seriously, Dante begins a search for his old friend that brings him right into the heart of the most beautiful, decadent, and dangerous, place in the world: the court of the Demon Lord, Samael Asther. Having learned that Rami disappeared while serving as one of Samael's concubines, Dante swallows his pride and accepts Samael's offer to take him in as one of his concubines. What he doesn't realize is that this will bring him right into the jaws of the beast! Or the beasts, as the case may be.
02 The Blood Game
Dante acclimates himself to live in the Lovers' Wing in Samael Asther's Crimson Palace. He immediately connects to Asmodeus, Samael's current favorite, and strikes up a strategic friendship with Cain, Samael's former consort - now demoted to simple concubine. When the decadent masquerade Luto's Gambit is held, Dante takes the opportunity to probe for answers from behind a featureless mask, but not everyone is fooled. His inquiries attract the attention of Samael's Machiavellian mother, Isis, who has him followed by Leviael, the head of security and Samael's top assassin. After a bloody confrontation leaves them both in bad shape, Dante realizes that he'll need to be more discrete with his investigation. He begins to study the deadly game of alliances and betrayal called the Blood Game, and dedicates himself to becoming an expert Player! His biggest threat right now: Astaroth, Samael's closest friend, and the silent puppeteer of the Blood Game.
03 The World Beneath
Dante's search brings him to the darkest corners of Amaya - the black marketplace. There, one can get anything they're looking for from poisons to slaves and from taboo toys to taboo secrets. Dante uncovers whispers of a prisoner held beneath the Crimson Palace - an angel in chains who was once one of Samael's favored courtiers. No one is permitted to visit him, no exceptions, but with Cain's help, Dante sneaks into the dungeon and locates the angel's cell, only to find Leviael inside, arguing with the prisoner! The plot thickens as Dante begins to suspect that the Blood Game harbors even more secrets than the players could possibly imagine. Later, a protective Grigorius confronts Dante about dragging Cain into Samael drama, leading to a heartbreaking revelations.. and a greater understanding of the complicated relationships that lie unexpressed in the shadows of the Crimson Court.
04 Mother I'd Like to Fuck Over
Isis Asther is out of patience with Dante sniffing around and begins to plot his downfall... but it may be too late to keep him from uncovering the dark secret of Rami's disappearance... because he has just located the journal Rami kept during his stay at Lovers' Wing, and the dates stand out for all the wrong reasons. He has an unsettling encounter with Astaroth, and soon he finds himself in the gardens below Samael's balcony, digging in the dirt. His worst fears are confirmed when he finds a piece of jewelry Rami always carried on him - the last gift he'd gotten from his mother before her death. Finally, he feels he understands Rami's fate: he was executed for seducing Cain. Still, that behavior seems out of character for Rami, leaving Dante confused and conflicted. He may not survive long enough to debate what to do next, though: Isis catches him at his work and orders him immediately arrested. In the dark dungeon pits, he manages to work out a way of communicating with Azrael through tapping codes... and finally the picture is complete. Just as he comes to understand the events surrounding Rami's death, Isis Asther appears at his cell door.
05 To Sow
The confrontation between Isis and Dante exposes all the ugliness of the Crimson Court to the air... though there's no reason to believe it will ever do him any good. Dante broods on his troubles until chaos erupts above-ground. Isis appears in the dungeon to explain: an insurrection has begun, and Samael is currently fighting off several dozen courtiers on his own. Worse, the traitor was Samael's most trusted person, Astraroth, who has used his access to the Demon Lord to design a spell that is leeching his power away and feeding it to Astaroth himself. Realizing that Dante is stronger by far than most of the others present, Isis offers him a deadly ultimatum: she will free him from the dungeon in exchange for his binding word that he will protect Samael and bring him back to his rightful place. Without a choice, Dante agrees, while Azrael chooses to remain behind.
06 To Reap
An epic battle! Dante joins fray, but it's too late to stop what's been started: Astaroth leeches Samael's power entirely, leaving the Demon Lord to be torn apart by his former followers. Isis and Leviael manage to save him, are unable to save themselves. Nevertheless, Dante manages to escape with Samael, though he is unable to find any of the other Concubines. In the thick of the forest outside Bloodwood Fall, Dante finds he cannot physically leave Samael alone to go and retrieve the others, as the geas of his promise binds him to Samael - the man he now knows murdered Rami.
07 The Devil You Know
The Demon Lord is a wanted man, and it's up to Dante to keep him safe... or the geas that binds them will ensure that he shares Samael's fate. Recruiting in a tiny village, Samael is dismayed to find that the people are more pleased at his fall than worried for his well-being... even when word comes out of the capitol that Astaroth has begun making a public display of the torture and occasional execution of those loyal to the Asthers. But, as weeks go by and Astaroth's madness begins to escalate, sentiment begins to change as the people long for the devil they know. As the wind begins to change, a devastating series of earthquakes begin that turns the town where they have taken refuge into rubble.
08 The Fire Seraph
The latest in a series of earthquakes floods the small village where Dante and Samael are hiding out. When Samael is recognized by a courtier he once exiled, he expects to be attacked on the streets, but instead the townspeople gather around him, begging for help - Astaroth's behavior has deteriorated even farther, and while both Kings have been tyrants, Samael was at least not dangerously volatile and erratic. This revelation uncovers an even more terrifying truth as Samael realizes that the earthquakes are not natural, but rather are the result of Astaroth's inability to properly manage Samael's extraordinary strength. It also contextualizes what they're up against... but before the fledgling rebels can lose hope, Grigorius arrives to join them. He explains that Astaroth has been torturing and imprisoning Samael's loyalists and inner circle... and that Samael's former lover, Cain, has been taken prisoner. Worse, without Samael's power to dam the tide of years, Cain had begin to age at a rate of a year every few days, making it imperative that they rescue him and restore Samael's power. Grigorius examines Samael's aura and determines that Astaroth has not truly taken his power, but rather has established a leech line between them: he is in essence channeling Samael's power, cutting it off from Samael himself for his own use. Grigorius determines that he can probably concoct a spell to interrupt the flow of energy long enough to defeat Astaroth... but it will only work if they can get close to him without being killed. Later, once everyone else has gone to sleep, Samael confesses his anger, fear, and grief and the two spend the night together.
09 TBD
After an intimate night with Samael, Dante struggles with his anger and guilt about Rami. Meanwhile, Samael has a difficult conversation with Grigorius about their past friendship... and about the painfully sensitive topic that is Cain. (This volume is still in progress)
  Bonus stories have also been published to WHOEVER's supporters on TeaCup and Guaranteer.  
No. Title
Bonus 1 Silver-Grey Days
A short vignette from Cain's perspective exploring his complicated feelings for Samael and how they tie into his continued existence hundreds of years after he should have died of old age.
Bonus 2 Grabby Gabby
A more comedic toned short about Asmodeus's paranoia that Samael is becoming more interested in his newest acquisition, Gabriel, than in Asmodeus. With the "support" of the long-suffering but seemingly unbothered Dagon, Asmodeus keeps track of the time Gabriel has been spending in Samael's suite, only to find out that he is helping Blossom rehabilitate some of Samael's neglected plants.
Bonus 3 The King of Crows
A short vignette from the perspective of Samael as he takes the reports of his many animal and insect spies and plans his next week accordingly.

Web Comic

An upcoming webcomic has been announced. The script will be adapted by WHOEVER themselves, with art duties by ANYONE.

Crimson Court: Heart of the Demon King

The first volume of Crimson Court: Heart of the Demon King

Romance, Dark Fantasy, Politics, LGBTQ
WebBook, 20xx -
Media Type
Serialized web novel
Categories: Webnovels, lgbtq related fiction, erotic fiction, original english language webnovels


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