ed: This is a bit of a rush job just to make the timeflow understandable until I get around to making a full calendar and finishing the timeline.
Pandora 9 ]

The Three Calendars

There are three basic calendars in Empirica Sin, with each reflecting a given Realm's understanding of time. In some cases (mostly in Incaendium), there may also be specifications specific to a given nation-state/domain.

The standard calendar - the one used in academic work, for example - is the Astrum calendar, as it is the simplest and easiest to understand.

All Calendars feature the same basic structure:

Era - for Gaean and Incaendium
Year - counts differently in each Realm
Quarter - Spans of 80 days. Each Realm has a different name for Quarters.
Day - Span of (IDEK) hours. Each Realm names their days differently.


When giving a date it will generally be given in the following format:

{Era) (Year number), (name or numbner of quarter), Day.


So, for example,, Lalea's Sword 62, Golden Dawn, Third Day.

The moon moves through its phases over the course of one month.

On the equinoxes, there is one night of the Dark Sun event.

Astrum's Calendar

Astrum's Calendar is quite simple, as it begins with 0 on the year of Awakening, and counts up from there.


Gaean's Calendar

Gaean's Calendar begins from zero at the fall of the first Champion. After the death of a Champion, a new era begins named after the most recently fallen champion. They do not actually restart the year count, however, simply append an era to the years (e.g. Year 640 in the Thaevian era). Years before the fall of the first champion start from -1 and then count backwards to the Awakening.

Incaendium's Calendar

Incaendium begins its calendar from year 1 every time a new Imperator comes to power - the era is named by the Imperator in question. Dates are therefore referred to by the year number, and the era - e.g.52nd of Laelea's Blade

Some individual nation states make it more confusing by having subcategories named by their individual Domain lords. In that case, you would have a date formated as:

{Era) (Year number), (name or numbner of quarter), Day, (local era).

So, for example,, Lalea's Sword (era) 62 (year in the era), Golden Dawn(quarter), Third Day (Day within the quarter), Feriens Folly (local era).