
Dear Recipient,

Forgive me my ambiguity and trust that I know to whom this note has been delivered. Though it may be inconvenient, sometimes discretion holds greater significance than clarity, and I do not want to cause you tumult in your private life.

You may be unsurprised at the topic of this note. The war has waged on far longer than I have been alive and, if allowed, it will continue to rage long past my death. In the meantime, it has caused such extraordinary damage to our world, and to Gaean in specific. In the interests of putting an end to the destruction, I have long searched for ears amenable to my ideas toward bringing it to a close... and so I have found you.

I ask that you meet with me. I have included a map with the location of the proposed meeting, and the date I plan to be there. You are welcome to come in masks, or hoods, or behind a wall of glamour if you fear reprisal for your disloyalty to the cause. I will not reveal your name or face. I am willing to act as the public image of our cause, should you choose to remain in shadow. Should you prefer to act openly, I will do all that I can to support you in that choice, as well.

Though I do not act without fear, I nonetheless act, as well, with greater determination.

If you need to contact me, please do so. I am not hiding. My location is plain at the foot of this note.

Be in peace,

Peydin Kalil

In the World


Written by Peydin Kalil toward what would turn out to be the end of the war, the Catalyst Notes are a number of identical letters sent to several peace advocates imploring them to join Peydin and his mother Samar Kalil in ending the war.


There came a point, after centuries of war, when it became clear that Gaean would not withstand another hundred years of playing the host to a battle of monsters. Among Mortals, this was not a complicated or controversial position to take, but it could be much more complicated for Celestials and Demons - the active participants in the conflict. However, while it was unlikely that a move to end the war would find purchase with either of the primary forces involved... it was evident that they, too, had grown tired.

The recognition of that reality is what led Peydin to send what would become known as the Catalyst Notes out to influential, powerful figures of every Realm that showed evidence of frustration or a want to end the conflict.

The recipients - those who accepted the request - came to form the Creators of the Cage.


As a result of this alliance, the landscape of Empirica Sin was permanently altered by the construction of the Golden Cage - a seemingly inconquerable wall that has thus far prevented additional large scale interrealm conflicts.