General Information

The world of Empirica Sin can be said to contain three major cultures along with myriad subcultures specific to a particular kingdom, domain, nation-state or even city/village. To facilitate cross-communication and understanding, Astrum, Gaean and Incaendium all use a single class and ranking system, with each tier of the hierarchy named in Common.

Information on the basic ranks can be found below. Information on how each individual Realm interacts with the ranks will be found in the Realm articles.

Class-Based Social Hierarchy

The Ranks

The most basic and universal of ranks. Social class indicates the level of influence a given person or family has. What, specifically, is needed to be of a certain class is dependent on Realm, and even more, on the cultures and subcultures to which they belong.

In many (but not all) cases, social class is largely inherited, and thus applies to the entirety of a family, or at least the main branch of the family.

Class Common Term Astrum Gaean Incaendium
Royal Regas .5% negligible negligible
Eminent Parisot 4% 2% .7
Upper Haute 12% 7% 1.5%
High Exim 16.5% 10% 8.2
Upper-Middle Auctor 0% 20% 12.3%
Normal Ineno 57% 40% 57.3%
Lower Maci 10% 14% 12.5%
Underclass Caeo 0% 5% 5%
Disgraced Exsul See Notes 1% 2.5%

Requirements for A Class


There are two class systems working side-by-side in Astrum: the mostly species based hierarchy, in which Deities occupy the Regas space with fallen and nameless at the lowest tiers of society. To indicate one's class along this line, the class name is used directly.

However, there is also the subsystem, which applies primarily to the Fey (along with anyone who chooses to live in one of the Fey kingdoms). To reference this, smaller scale system, a person's class is prefixed by 'dia' - ergo, a Fey king is of the class dia'regas.


Gaean has no Realm-wide unified class system; rather every individual settlement has its own way of determining social class. Some may not use every rank, while others may append subranks to further categorize the hierarchical system. Generally, a person's class will affect the way they're treated in other settlements, but the class does not strictly apply outside one's own homeland. So, if Parisot class noble travels to a neighboring kingdom, they are not considered nobility of that kingdom, but they are respected as foreign aristocracy.


Incaendium's ranking system is based primarily on power; powerful bloodlines rule the Realm, and the strongest of each bloodline is the head of that House. There is some movement based on other things, but in the end even these exceptions are power-driven. For example, the consort of a King is treated with deference evne if they are not especially strong, but the reason for this is based in the strength of the King, who would presumably be displeased if their partner were mistreated.


Power Rankings

Power-rankings are also universally recognized, but they most commonly used in Incaendium. They can be used in different contexts. For example, they can be used. to quantify the strength a specific ability (e.g. a person's elemental affinity), but they can also be used as an overall assessment of the person's strength (e.g. Astaroth Dracothis is considered a Vallus+ level power).

Examples given to aid in understanding these ranks are considered to be overall assessments.


A Palen power level indicates the lack of power, or at least a level so low as to be inconsequential. An average human with average abilities would be considered a Palen level power.


A low power level. For normal humans without special abilities, this can be a compliment - An Enop human is rather strong by powerless standards. But for Celstials this is unusual, and for Demons this is contemptible enough that Enop can be used as an insult. A typical Drereccas or low tier Fey would fall under this category.


A "normal" level of strength. With regards to abilities like Elemental affinities or magic, this means a person has a roughly average ability for those who have the ability to begin with. An average Gargoyle or common fey would be considered a Modu, as would a skilled but not overwhelming Mortal mage, for example.


A Dumen ranking indicates a level of ability that is considered above average. Demons might call this "the most of the least" - the most powerful of a level Demons would consider weak (despite most Demons being below Dumen level as well.) This is a level common to average Aurali, or the stronger Demon subspecies such as Djinn.


A strong level of ability - this is considered impressive by the standards of anyone who is not considered an extreme level power. "The First of the Great," by Demonic standards. Millennia ago, this was approximately the cutoff for a person to be considered an Archdemon, and many Archdemons remain here to this day.


A level of ability that is rarely seen. The strongest Demons fall under this category, as do the most powerful Fey and the average Deiva. Under most circumstances, a demon who is not an archdemon cannot reach this level except through Exedis.


The highest level of ability, comparable to Deities. Generally, the number of Vis level persons is statistically insignificant. It should also be noted that this is the level with the most variance, as anything over Vallus would be considered Vis. There are only a few hundred Vis level beings in the world.

Incaendium's Byzantine System

Never satisfied to simply quantify people by general class level or even formidability, Incaendium also has a number of very specific titles. Every resident of Incaendium would be considered to have a title by default, though most have simple titles indicating that they are an average person from an average family. Its among the distinguished by deed, profession, accomplishment, etc that these titles become complicated, cumbersome, and extremely descriptive.

Title Order

The official title of any person is ordered as follows:

Special | (anything the special applies to) | Any additional Special/Area applied to titles | Personal Power Rank | Position in House | House Rank | Personal Rank

If the personal rank and family rank are the same, pluralize, e.g. karegas

Personal power and Status ranks are as outlined above.

Excessively long titles can be condensed to only the most important designations in day-to-day life.


Titles - Position Within One's House


Without a House Ranking. This applies to orphans, for example, people who have been disowned, or people from outside Incaendium whose families are therefore unranked.


An average member of a house. Most members would be Sodali. In some cases, this designation might not even be included in one's given title, since it can be assumed.


The presumed heir to the House. This applies regardless of the status of the House itself.


The head of a House. Either name can be used depending on the preference of the person to whom it belongs.


A respected elder in the family. Not all families have a Summus designation, but for those that do, this is typically an ancient, sometimes the parent of the current Dominus.


A title given to a former Head of the House who was removed (voluntarily or involuntarily) for reasons other than exile or disownment. This title is used posthumously for any deceased Dominus.


Titles - Influence of the House


A disgraced House. This includes any House that has been stripped of titles, exiled or otherwise fallen from grace in the Domin Regas's.


A low status house. This includes the weak, the extremely poor and, sometimes, a former Exsul house that has been granted the right to regain status.


Average status. This is the normal commoner. Much like a Sodali, this may be safely omitted if the person desires, as it will be assumed.


An influential House. This may be influence in any form - a rich family, one associated with high status positions, one that has royal favor, or a normal aristocratic family would qualify.


An eminent status family. This includes the most prominent aristocratic families, and often the wealthiest as well.


A royal family; the bloodline that controls a nation-state. This applies strictly to the ruling branch of a family; secondary branches are typically considered Exim.


Titles - Special Designations


Applies to the highest ranking leader in an organization or settlement. This includes military organizations.


Member of a military organization. This does not need to be used for the leader of a military organization, as they are clearly in it.


The consort of a prominent person. The use of Par indicates that the person must be respected regardless of personal rank or power, and can be considered a threat of retaliation from the prominent person if their consort is mistreated.


A person in service to another person or group who is not free to leave that service at will. This could be a literal slave, an indentured servant or someone who is contracted whether for a certain time or until certain conditions are fulfilled.


A title given to people either without a House or with a disgraced or low ranked House who are aristocrat equivalents.


An expert in any area. This refers specifically to an academic expert - a powerful magic-user who does not understand the nature of magic would not be a Quaesitor, but a person without magic who understands its makings would be.


A guest. Whether this indicates special treatment (be it good or bad) depends on the specific nation-state in Incaendium.


A hero. Generally this will be a war hero, but it could also be someone who has achieved from great accomplishment. This can be applied to historical, legendary or current heroes. Note that who is a hero and what constitutes heroics varies from place to place and culture to culture.


While technically in Diursparid, Aedvect is a word that has been adopted by every language. It refers to someone who has arrived in Empirica Sin from an [other Otherworld.

Anima Emuct

Someone who extinguishes a soul. This is most commonly used as an addendum to Aedvect, to refer to those Aedvectis whose sole inhabits and controls the body of a previously existing person. Alone, it can also be used for professional killers.


A criminal, whether currently or previously incarcerated, until the title is cleared from them by the Dominus Regas of the nation-state. Note that this isn't actually pejorative as Demons aren't especially bothered by criminal records.


A disgraced person. This is a person who has been stripped of status or exiled by the Dominus Regas.


The Absolute Ruler. This will be the single most powerful (known) being in Incaendium and the de facto ruler of the Realm in its entirety. This title is won in combat from the previous Imperator - often through intra-Realm wars.

Example Titles

Samael Asther

Imperator Regnat Amaya Virfortus Vis Domin Karegas

Absolute Ruler King of Amaya Hero of Deitic power Head of a royal house and a royal himself.

Samael has a plethora of titles as a result of his storied history and unparalleled status. For obvious reasons he will typically condense this to Imperator Vis Domin Regas (Absolute ruler of Deitic power and Head of a royal family.)

Astaroth Dracothis

Regnant Praeli Virfortus Vallus Dominus Exim

Head of the Military and Hero of Special power, Head of an eminent House.

Astaroth actually uses the whole title.

Cain Amortus

(Par) Suum Palen Procus

(Consort) Contracted Service Powerless Honorary Aristocrat.

In Cain's case, the Par was removed from his title after he and Samael's estrangement. Even so, his status as an honorary aristocrat was not removed, and so he remains acknowledged as socially powerful.