Carp Alderleaf

Future Rogue of Phandalin


Carp is a young Halfling with a boundless sense of adventure and a natural talent for stealth, often found exploring the nooks and crannies of Phandalin with his best friend, Pip. Under his mother Qelline's care and inspired by Doctor Hamato, Carp dreams of becoming a skilled adventurer.


Basic Information


Race: Halflings
Aspiring Adventurer
Chaotic Good
Alderleaf Farm, Phandalin



Carp is a sprightly Halfling boy with tousled hair and a perpetual mischievous twinkle in his eyes. His clothes are often a bit too big for him, scuffed from his explorations and play.



Full of youthful energy and curiosity, Carp is fearless and always ready for an adventure. His enthusiasm is infectious, and he often convinces his friends to join in on his escapades.



Growing up on Alderleaf Farm, Carp has always been surrounded by tales of adventure and heroism. His father's absence has been filled with stories and guidance from his mother and the adventurers passing through, which fuels his imagination.


Abilities and Skills

Carp has a knack for sneaking and hiding, showing early signs of what could develop into remarkable rogue-like abilities. He is agile, quick-witted, and surprisingly resourceful for his age.



Carp is the cherished son of Qelline Alderleaf and the best friend of Pip, Toblin Stonehill's daughter. He looks up to Dr. Hamato, seeing the Tortle Artificer as a hero and a model for his own aspirations.


Motivations and Goals

Driven by dreams of adventure, Carp's immediate goal is to learn and emulate the skills of the heroes he admires. He aspires to one day leave Phandalin and write his own story of adventure.


Role in the Campaign

Carp serves as a reminder of the innocence and potential that the adventurers fight to protect. His growth and development could mirror the progression of the player characters, serving as a sidekick or future ally.


Recent Activities

Lately, Carp has been adventuring closer to home, often found in the company of Pip, getting into harmless trouble and learning the lay of the land around Phandalin.


"One day, I'm gonna be just like Dr. Hamato and have stories of my own to tell!" - Carp


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