Cragmaw Hideout

Nestled within the rugged terrain near the Sword Coast lies Cragmaw Hideout, a well-concealed lair of the notorious Cragmaw Goblin Tribe. This hideout, known for its strategic placement and natural defenses, serves as a key outpost for the tribe's activities in the region.


Location and Features

Cragmaw Hideout is cleverly situated in a dense part of the forest, utilizing the natural landscape for concealment and protection. The entrance is often camouflaged, and the interior is a network of tunnels and chambers carved into the rock and earth, providing ample space for the goblins to dwell and store their plunder.


Function and Use

Primarily used as a staging ground for raids, Cragmaw Hideout is a hub of activity for the tribe. It's here that plans are hatched, spoils are gathered, and tactics are refined. The hideout's location makes it an ideal spot for launching surprise attacks on travelers and caravans, especially along the nearby Triboar Trail.


Defensive Measures

The Cragmaw Tribe has fortified the hideout with a variety of traps and defenses. These range from simple pit traps to more complex contraptions, designed to deter intruders and protect the tribe's resources.


Importance to the Cragmaw Tribe

Cragmaw Hideout is not just a lair but a symbol of the tribe's resilience and cunning. It plays a vital role in the Cragmaws' survival and their ability to exert influence in the region.


"Cragmaw Hideout is more than mere shelter; it's the heart of our cunning. Here, in the shadows of the woods, we plot, we plan, and we prepare. This is where our true strength lies hidden."

— Snarltooth

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