Edermath Orchard

Nestled in the serene outskirts of Phandalin, Edermath Orchard is a picturesque and peaceful apple orchard, owned and tended by the retired adventurer Daran Edermath. His tidy little cottage, adjacent to the orchard, is as welcoming as the lush greenery that surrounds it.


Daran Edermath: The Orchard's Keeper

Daran, a fit and silver-haired half-elf well over a hundred years old, has a storied past as a fighter and a marshal in the Dragon Coast. Choosing to retire to his original home near Neverwinter, Daran has found solace and contentment in the quiet life of an orchardist. His wealth of experience and wisdom, however, has not diminished with his change of pace.


Connection to the Order of the Gauntlet

A former member of the Order of the Gauntlet, Daran retains the group's principles of protecting the innocent and smiting evil. Although he no longer actively serves in the order, he keeps a vigilant eye on the happenings around Phandalin and maintains the order's values of justice and retribution against evildoers.


A Hub for Adventurers

Daran's cottage and orchard serve as a haven for adventurers and travelers. He is always eager to trade news and tales with those who share his virtues and values, offering wisdom and guidance to those who seek it.


"In the quiet of my orchard, I find peace, but in the hearts of true adventurers, I see the enduring flame of valor and justice that I once wielded"

— Daran Edermath

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