Forge of Spells

The Forge of Spells, nestled deep within the mystical confines of Wave Echo Cave, is an ancient and magical forge renowned across the Sword Coast. A relic of lost civilizations, it remains a coveted destination for adventurers and crafters alike, imbued with arcane powers capable of infusing weapons and armor with magical properties.  

Historical Significanced

Once the heart of the Phandelver's Pact between dwarves, gnomes, and humans, this forge was known for creating powerful magical items. Its history is steeped in mystery and tragedy, with its location lost for centuries until recent events brought it back into the light of the adventuring world.


Crafting Magical Weapons and Armor

The Forge of Spells offers unique enchanting capabilities, especially for the creation of +1 weapons and armor. Here are the mechanics for utilizing this mystical forge:

Role in the Campaign

The Forge of Spells has become a central element in the adventures of the Crimson Guard, providing them with a valuable resource for enhancing their equipment. Its rediscovery opens numerous narrative opportunities and challenges, intertwining with the group's journey and the broader history of the Sword Coast.


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Base Mechanic:
+1 Weapon
  • 5 days Cost:
  • 250 gold pieces
+1 Armor
  • Time: 7 days
  • Cost: 350 gold pieces
Blessing of Gond
+1 Weapon
  • Time: 4 days
  • Cost: 200 gold pieces
  +1 Armor
  • Time: 5 days
  • Cost: 280 gold pieces


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