
Old Lady Elanor


Known in dark circles as Greentooth, a cunning and vengeful hag, and in the mundane world as Old Lady Elanor, a seemingly harmless herbalist. Greentooth's dual identity masks her true nature while she maneuvers her schemes in and around Phandalin.


Basic Information


Race: Hags
Exiled Coven Member / Herbalist
Neutral Evil
Phandalin Vicinity



As Greentooth, she is a grotesque figure with mottled skin and a missing eye. As Old Lady Elanor, she appears as a frail, elderly woman with gentle eyes, masking her malevolence beneath a veil of kindness.



Greentooth is embittered and vengeful, but also highly intelligent and manipulative. She harbors a deep-seated hatred for her former coven and will go to great lengths to exact her revenge.



Once a powerful member of her coven, Greentooth was betrayed and exiled. Stripped of her magical eye and her status, she now seeks retribution and the restoration of her power.


Abilities and Skills

Greentooth possesses dark magical abilities typical of a hag, including curses, illusions, and potion-making. Her most dangerous weapon, however, is her cunning and ability to deceive.



Greentooth's relationships are complex and often shrouded in deception. Her interactions are a tangled web of manipulation and strategic alliances. Below are key relationships that define her character within the campaign:

The Shadow Pact

The Shadow Pact, consisting of Alden Ironfist, Briar Thorne, Caelan Stormwind, Daven Blackwood, and Elara Dawnbringer, represents a significant development in Greentooth's machinations. These five veterans of the Crimson Guard have been transformed under her tutelage into Warlocks of the Pact of the Fiend. This relationship is multifaceted:  

  • Mentor and Protégé: Greentooth serves as a dark mentor to these Warlocks, imparting her fiendish knowledge and arcane skills. She views them as instruments to further her own goals while providing them with power they seek.
  • Allies of Convenience: While there is a mutual benefit in their relationship, there remains an undercurrent of distrust. The veterans are wary of Greentooth's true intentions, and she, in turn, is cautious about their loyalty.

  Other Relationships

Greentooth's other key relationships include her bitter rivalry with her former coven and her deceptive interactions with the residents of Phandalin under her guise as Old Lady Elanor. Her relationship with the Crimson Heroes is one of cautious cooperation, where both parties recognize the utility of the other while remaining vigilant of potential betrayals.


Motivations and Goals

Vengeance against her former coven remains her primary drive. She aims to reclaim her lost artifact and power, striving to reassert herself as a formidable entity in the realm of dark magic.


Role in the Campaign

Greentooth has recently come into direct conflict with the Crimson Heroes. After poisoning several children in Phandalin, she manipulated Doctor Hamato and Kjata into confronting her former coven to retrieve her magical eye. This encounter has led to a tenuous alliance with the Crimson Heroes, with Greentooth agreeing to provide aid to the group as long as they reciprocate when called upon.


Recent Activities

Greentooth has shifted her focus towards rebuilding her power and maintaining her alliance with the Crimson Heroes. Her recent actions suggest a strategic shift, as she balances her need for revenge with newfound alliances that could further her goals. Her artifact eye has been returned to her but she cannot harness the power until the hex is removed.


"Trust is a tool, and like all tools, it can be used to build or to destroy." - Greentooth, as Old Lady Elanor


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