
Guardians of Balance and Justice


In the intricate web of alliances and conflicts that define the Sword Coast, the Harpers stand as a secretive yet influential organization. Committed to safeguarding justice, promoting equality, and preserving balance, the Harpers operate in the shadows, shaping events from behind the scenes to protect the realm from threats both overt and covert.


History and Purpose

Founded centuries ago, the Harpers trace their origins to a time of great turmoil. Their purpose has remained consistent: to uphold justice, counter tyranny and oppression, and preserve knowledge and lore for the betterment of all.


Methods and Operations

The Harpers are known for their subtlety and discretion. They favor espionage, gathering intelligence, and indirect intervention over open confrontation. Their agents are spread across the Sword Coast, often hidden in plain sight.


Membership and Structure

The Harpers' membership includes bards, rangers, wizards, and others who share their ideals. The organization is decentralized, with cells operating semi-autonomously, guided by a shared set of principles and goals.


Allies and Adversaries

The Harpers often find themselves allied with those who seek to protect the innocent and preserve the natural order. They are opposed to tyrants, conquerors, and any who would seek to dominate or corrupt the balance of power.


Notable Achievements

The Harpers have been instrumental in thwarting numerous plots and schemes that threatened the stability and freedom of the Sword Coast. Their unseen hand has guided many events towards just and favorable outcomes.


Current Activities

While much of their work is shrouded in secrecy, the Harpers are actively involved in monitoring political developments, combating dark magic, and safeguarding sites of arcane significance across the Sword Coast.


"In the shadowed corners of the Sword Coast, the Harpers watch. Their eyes ever vigilant, their actions unseen, they are the unsung guardians of justice and balance."

— Unknown

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