Lionshield Coster

The Lionshield Coster stands as a bastion of trade in Phandalin, easily recognized by the wooden shield sign with its iconic blue lion, swinging gently above the front door. This modest trading post is a local extension of the Lionshields, a respected merchant company hailing from the city of Yartar, over a hundred miles to the east.


Goods and Trade

Specializing in the shipment of finished goods to the far reaches of the region, the Lionshield Coster is a vital supply line for Phandalin and beyond, despite recent troubles with banditry that have taken a toll on its operations.



The Phandalin post is managed by Linene Graywind, a sharp-tongued woman of thirty-five who is as shrewd as she is vigilant. Under her watchful eye, the trading post not only thrives but also maintains a strong ethical stance in its dealings.


Armaments for Sale

In the seclusion of a back room, Linene keeps a well-stocked supply of armor and weapons, available for purchase by those she deems as no threat to Phandalin's peace. Her principles guide her business, ensuring that the weapons sold from Lionshield Coster do not fall into the wrong hands. (For pricing details, adventurers are referred to the “Adventuring Gear” section in the Basic Rules.)



"If you're looking for trouble, you've come to the wrong place. But if it's quality gear you're after, then we can talk business."

— Linene Graywind


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