Lords' Alliance

A Coalition for Stability and Prosperity


In the ever-changing political landscape of the Sword Coast, the Lords' Alliance stands as a formidable coalition of rulers and cities. United in their goal to foster security, stability, and prosperity across the region, the Alliance plays a pivotal role in shaping the political and economic framework of the Sword Coast.


Formation and Objectives

The Lords' Alliance was formed as a response to the myriad threats facing the region - from marauding monsters to political instability. Its primary objectives are to ensure mutual defense, uphold the law, and promote economic growth and stability among its member states.


Member States and Leaders

The Alliance comprises various city-states, towns, and other settlements, each represented by their respective rulers or appointed envoys. Key members include influential cities such as Waterdeep, Neverwinter, and Silverymoon, among others.


Governance and Diplomacy

The Lords' Alliance operates through a council where representatives discuss and decide on matters of mutual interest. Diplomacy and negotiation are vital tools, with decisions often aimed at maintaining the balance of power and resolving conflicts amicably.


Military and Security

A significant aspect of the Alliance's activities involves maintaining a collective military force to respond to threats against its members. This includes joint military exercises, coordinated defenses, and intelligence sharing.


Economic Policies and Trade

The Lords' Alliance fosters economic cooperation among its members, promoting trade agreements, infrastructure development, and joint ventures. This economic unity not only strengthens individual members but also the region as a whole.


Challenges and Criticism

While influential, the Alliance faces challenges such as internal politics, differing priorities among members, and external threats. It is also subject to criticism over its policies and decisions, which sometimes favor more powerful members.


"In a world rife with uncertainty, the Lords' Alliance stands as a pillar of stability, its banner a symbol of unity and shared purpose on the Sword Coast."

— Unknown

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