Mount Hotenow

Mount Hotenow, once known as Glaurimm to the ancient dwarves, is a prominent volcano located within The Crags, northeast of Neverwinter. This geological marvel plays a significant role in the ecology and folklore of the surrounding areas, especially the city of Neverwinter.


Geological and Ecological Features

The volcano is inhabited by a large population of fire elementals, which warm the Neverwinter River, keeping it from freezing. Post-eruption, its serrated peaks resemble a 'door to the Nine Hells,' with an interior river of elemental fire. Mount Hotenow contains rich deposits of minerals and has become a habitat for fire-themed creatures, including fire giants and red dragons.


Historical and Legendary Significance

Mount Hotenow is steeped in Neverwinter's folklore, featuring in numerous legends and bedtime stories. The discovery of Gauntlgrym beneath the volcano in 1451 DR led to a catastrophic eruption. Post-Spellplague, it attracted a variety of fire-themed fauna.


"A testament to the fiery heart of the Sword Coast, where legends are born and the land's very essence is forged."

— Unknown

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