
The Guardian Owlbear of Tresendar Manor


Rescued as a cub by Kjata and Doctor Hamato, Rowlett has grown into a majestic and protective owlbear. Now the steadfast companion of Leo Fallthorn, Rowlett symbolizes both the resilience and the nurturing spirit of the Crimson Guard.


Basic Information


Race: Owlbear
Young Adult
Guardian and Companion
Neutral Good
Tresendar Manor, Phandalin



Rowlett boasts the grandeur of an adult owlbear with striking white and brown plumage, sharp claws, and keen eyes. He wears a red cloak, a token of his bond with Leo Fallthorn, draped over his large frame.



Despite his fierce appearance, Rowlett is gentle and loyal, especially to those he considers part of his pack. His intelligence and protective instincts make him an invaluable companion.



Rowlett's life began in tragedy when goblins captured him and his mother. His mother's death during their escape attempt left him orphaned until he was rescued and brought to Tresendar Manor, where he found a new family with Leo and the Crimson Guard.


Abilities and Skills

Rowlett has all the natural abilities of an owlbear: formidable strength, keen senses, and the capacity for fierce combat. He has also developed a unique connection with Leo, allowing for coordinated actions.



Rowlett's key relationships include his rescuers, Kjata and Doctor Hamato, and his caregiver, Leo Fallthorn. This bond has grown into a deep trust and mutual respect.


Motivations and Goals

Rowlett is driven by instinctive loyalty and a desire to protect his home and companions. He has found purpose in being a guardian of Tresendar Manor and a symbol of its inhabitants' tenacity.


Role in the Campaign

Rowlett's presence adds a unique dynamic to the campaign, offering both aid and comfort to the adventurers. His growth and development may mirror the party's journey and accomplishments.


Recent Activities

Recently, Rowlett has been seen patrolling the grounds of Tresendar Manor, ever watchful for threats and serving as a deterrent to those who would do harm to Phandalin.


"With a roar and a rustle of feathers, Rowlett stands guard. In his gaze, you see not just a beast, but a fierce friend." - A Tresendar Manor Guard


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