
Borin Ironhand's Smithy


Nestled on the northern end of Phandalin, Borin Ironhand's Smithy stands as a testament to dwarven craftsmanship and resilience. The distinct sound of hammer on anvil rings out from this sturdy stone building, where the glow of the forge casts a warm light onto the street. Shelves and racks inside the shop display an array of finely crafted tools and materials, each piece a reflection of Borin's dedication to his craft.


Craftsmanship and Wares

Specializing in tools and everyday metalwork, Borin Ironhand's Smithy provides the town with everything from sturdy pickaxes to reliable horseshoes. While the shop doesn’t typically deal in weapons or armor, the quality of Borin's work is evident in every item he forges, each imbued with the reliability and durability characteristic of dwarven make.


The Smith: Borin Ironhand

Borin, a stout and muscular dwarf with a thick beard interwoven with iron beads, embodies the essence of a master blacksmith. His hands, toughened by years at the forge, work with a precision and care that belie his gruff exterior. Borin's demeanor is as solid as his creations; he's known for his straightforwardness and a dry sense of humor that endears him to his customers. Despite his stern appearance, there’s a twinkle in his eye that speaks to a deep passion for his trade and a warm heart beneath his rugged exterior.


"Metal's like a stubborn mule; it'll bend to your will, but only if you know how to ask it politely."

— Borin Ironhand

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