Stonehill Inn

Stonehill Inn


Nestled in the center of Phandalin, opposite the lively town green, the Stonehill Inn stands as a symbol of the town's revitalization. Built from fieldstone and rough-hewn timbers, this large, newly constructed roadhouse is a hub of local activity and a welcoming haven for travelers.


The Common Room

The heart of the inn is its bustling common room, a popular spot for the townsfolk to gather and share stories over mugs of ale or cider. Visitors are greeted with a warm atmosphere and curious glances, as locals are always eager to learn about new faces.



With six cozy rooms, the Stonehill Inn offers comfortable lodgings for all who pass through Phandalin. Each room is maintained with care, providing a much-needed respite for adventurers and workers alike.


The Stonehill Family

The inn is run by Toblen Stonehill, a friendly young man from Triboar, along with his wife, Trilena, and their spirited young daughter, Pip. Toblen, who discovered his passion for innkeeping after arriving in Phandalin, is ably supported by Trilena's warmth and hospitality. Pip, with her youthful energy, adds a touch of joy and playfulness to the inn's atmosphere.


"At the Stonehill Inn, we believe in more than just providing a bed for the night; we're about creating a home away from home for every soul that walks through our doors."

— Toblin

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