The 45 Veterans

Heroes of the Breaking of the Horde


The 45 veteran soldiers of the Crimson Guard are celebrated heroes, known for their pivotal role in the legendary battle against the orc horde, known as the Breaking of the Horde. These seasoned warriors are not only skilled in combat but also carry the wisdom and experience gained from one of the most significant battles in recent history.




The 45 veterans are the surviving members of the Crimson Guard who fought valiantly in the Breaking of the Horde. This battle, a turning point in the conflict with the orc forces, solidified the reputation of the Crimson Guard as a formidable mercenary group.


Reputation and Influence


Post-battle, these veterans have become symbols of courage and resilience. Their stories are told throughout the Sword Coast, inspiring both awe and respect among allies and fear among enemies. They have a significant influence within the Crimson Guard, often consulted for their insights and strategies.


Individual Heroics


Each of the 45 veterans has their own tale of heroism and bravery from the battle. These accounts vary from feats of single combat against orc leaders to ingenious tactical maneuvers that turned the tide of battle.


Current Role


The veterans continue to serve in the Crimson Guard, taking on roles as squad leaders, trainers, and advisors. Their presence not only bolsters the morale of the group but also ensures that the lessons learned in the Breaking of the Horde are passed down to newer recruits.


Challenges and Future


While revered, the veterans also bear the scars of battle, both physical and mental. They face the challenge of adapting to a life after such an intense conflict and finding a place in a world that has moved on from the battle.




The legacy of the 45 veterans extends beyond their individual achievements. They represent the spirit of the Crimson Guard - unyielding, brave, and loyal. Their legacy is an integral part of the group's identity and history.


"In the heat of battle, they stood unbroken. The 45 are not just soldiers; they are the heart of the Crimson Guard's valor."


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