The Sleeping Giant

At the far end of Phandalin's main street lies The Sleeping Giant, a tap house known as much for its rough clientele as for its drinks. This rundown establishment, with its weathered exterior and dimly lit interior, has become a notorious haunt for the town's less savory characters, including thugs and members of the Crimson Guard.


Atmosphere and Clientele

The Sleeping Giant's reputation as a dirty and dangerous watering hole is well-earned. Its common room is often filled with a thick haze of smoke and the low murmur of hushed conversations. The air is heavy with the scent of cheap ale and stronger spirits, catering to those who prefer their drinks strong and their company questionable.


Proprietor: Grista

The tap house is operated by Grista, a surly female dwarf known for her no-nonsense attitude and sharp tongue. Despite the rough nature of her patrons, Grista runs the establishment with an iron fist, ensuring that order is maintained, at least to the extent it can be in such a place. Her formidable presence is as much a part of The Sleeping Giant as the ale she serves.


Reputation in Phandalin

While not the most reputable establishment in Phandalin, The Sleeping Giant serves as a gathering spot for those who operate on the fringes of society. It's a place where alliances are formed in whispers and deals are sealed with a clink of mugs, away from the prying eyes of the town's more upstanding citizens.


"Fuck off."

— Grista

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