
The Lady of Good Fortune


In the ever-shifting world of the Sword Coast, Tymora, also known as Lady Luck, stands as a beacon of hope and fortune for adventurers, traders, and all who cherish the whims of fate. Revered as the goddess of good fortune, luck, and success, Tymora's influence is felt in every gamble, every risk, and every daring venture across the region.


Doctrine and Teachings

Tymora's followers believe in seizing opportunities, taking risks, and embracing the potential for great rewards. Her doctrine encourages boldness, optimism, and the pursuit of one's desires, with a strong belief that fortune favors the brave and the daring.


Worship and Temples

Temples and shrines of Tymora are widespread across the Sword Coast, often found in bustling cities and places frequented by adventurers. These sanctuaries offer respite for those seeking Tymora's favor, and many a gambler or traveler stops to pay respects, hoping for luck in their endeavors.


Celebrations and Rituals

Tymoran worship involves various rituals and celebrations, many coinciding with significant events or turning points. Festivals in her honor are joyous occasions filled with games of chance, competitions, and the sharing of tales of fortune.


Clergy and Followers

Tymora's clergy, known as Luckbringers, are as diverse as her followers. They provide guidance, aid adventurers in need, and spread the message of optimism and courage. Many Luckbringers themselves are seasoned adventurers, sharing their wealth of experience with others.


Influence in the Sword Coast

Tymora's influence in the Sword Coast is profound, particularly among those who face uncertainty and danger regularly. Her presence is a source of comfort and encouragement for those who must rely on luck and wits to survive and thrive.


Tymora in the Everyday Life

Beyond temples and rituals, Tymora's essence permeates the daily lives of many. From a merchant praying for a successful trade to an adventurer tossing a coin into a well, her presence is interwoven with the hopes and dreams of the common folk.


"In the roll of dice and the turn of cards, in the leap of faith and the traveler's road, Tymora's hand guides the bold. Her favor is the wind at our backs, the sun on our faces."

— Unknown

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