An Unwelcome & Untimely Introduction

Black Ichor Scenarios include "soft" horror text and graphics.
It may not be suitable for children or the skittery to read.
Opinion of the writer: PG-13 material.

Convenient Forgetting

What was the first time a civilization from your world interacted with an outside group or culture?
300+ Word Prompt Attempt.
The lands of Airemoia provided for the needs of its inhabitants. Bountiful years when rain supplied water for resident’s subsistence, the sun came up on days it did not rain. The weather was temperate. No one expected what their parents couldn’t remember. Without written records, the descendants of the tribe forgot what couldn’t be explained by a demigod’s wrath or a wizard’s rage. Over the years, customs emerged that did not require a science or intellectual philosophy. What worked for a time was suited to fit a crux.   Even their societal kerfuffles and marriages (that can also cause kerfuffles) were settled with a simple fix. They separated the land into two regions and build a wall that could be crossed once every 90 moons. Many of the younger Moias did not know why they were encouraged to take part in the marriage rite of crossing. Like other traditions, they abided.   The only consistent issues the Moias dealt with concerned results from minor earthquakes that brought down trees and shifted the course of rivers in the Nimsap Forest. No damage was done to the draped huts. A fallen or rock or two fell on cave dwellers, but insects were considered more of a nuisance than “earth rattling”.   Until the year 3500 BCE, when the same earthquake that brought no actual harm to the Nods wreaked havoc on a neighboring land. The tribes who lived on the crumbling earth that could no longer be seen in the far distance filled their makeshift row boats and showed up within 30 moons on their shoreline. For the first time, they could remember they faced hundreds of visitors who frightened them. The Moias growled and raised their hands, shook their spears at the folk with an odd bearing and beaded dress. With a plea delivered in unison, they prayed to the Nimnod Demi-god of the moment and asked it to sink the aliens into the foam and sand.   But the Demi-god did not answer their prayers. The visitors gathered what few artifacts they had pulled out of the boats. A few brought in a large net filled with fish and carefully set it down on the beach in front of the Moias. The Moias stared with awe. They speared their fish, but none had ever seen or recalled seeing a net so finely threaded.

Cover image: Summer Camp 2024 Banner - Nimnod by Ruby O'Degee w/Midjourney & World Anvil
This article has no secrets.


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