Briar Green & Briarbank College

Black Ichor Scenarios include "soft" horror text and graphics.
It may not be suitable for children or the skittery to read.
Opinion of the writer: PG-13 material.

Dedicated to the Art of Aspiration

Melody Rice
Melody Rice by ROD w/Midjourney
Gazette News Travel Guide
From the desk of Melody Rice, Reporting from Crooked Mile
MRice Log Date 1907
Melody Rice is a Crooked Mile local, who takes her reporting position seriously. If her reviews do not appeal to readers, she asks they contact her supervisor at the Gazette News, a flighty gentleman who doesn't take her seriously. It is likely her supervisor won't bother to discuss concerns and complaints with Melody. Nothing he says seems to go through her ear and out the other. Neither does his admonition take residence inside her brain matter.

Briarbank College

Briarbank College by ROD w/Midjourney

The city’s most lush area is Briar Green. Known for its proximity to Briarbank College and extensive parkland, Briar Green is characterized by its many flowering trees and affluent residential properties.   Briar Green, the city’s greenest district, is home to Briarbank College, the local center of academia. Politicians fequently use the green to hold events. The Park reflects their values about academia, architecture, and open space.   Considered a treasure in Newfaire, the Mara Winfield Botanical Conservatory and greenhouse was built in 1890 and is admired for its architectural beauty. Rare and unusual living specimens of creatures and botanicals from around the world are showcased, while scientific, political, and cultural events take place throughout the year.   Discovery human remains floating to the surface of the muddy land of Revenant Park, also known as Regent Park.
Briarbank College is a place of both learning and danger. Its students and faculty are exposed to the occult. They must be prepared to face the terrifying creatures and forces that lurk in the shadows.
  • The college is located in a beautiful but secluded area of Newfaire, surrounded by forests and hills.
  • The campus is home to a variety of buildings, including classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and dormitories.
  • The college has a number of secret chambers and passageways.
  • It is rumored to be haunted by the ghosts of past students and faculty.
Student Demographics and Funding
  • Archeology and physics student parents provide contributions.
  • Students receive artistic and liberal arts grants.
  • Wealthy families purchase land and home leases to live in the park.
Crooked Mile Briarbank College Annex
In the fall of 1905, Briarbank College Annex officially opened its doors to Crooked Mile night school students. It is located near the Lending Library along the Mile’s famous canal. Little School Secondary students now attend day school classes at the annex. The annex is managed by the community, funded and supported by several secret societies. Professors and instructors teach at both institutions. While many classes are duplicated, some like finance are taught only at Briarbank. Agriculture is taught only at the Annex, but medical school is taught at both colleges. This opportunity afforded to Crooked Mile residents was allowed due to need and memories of Six Year War injuries that couldn’t be healed in the path of bombs and artillery fire. The annex property was never touched by warfare.

Cover image: Briar Green by ROD w/Midjourney
This article has no secrets.


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