Gertrude Marvel's Palisade Garden

Black Ichor Scenarios include "soft" horror text and graphics.
It may not be suitable for children or the skittery to read.
Opinion of the writer: PG-13 material.

A lush garden pale is not always what it appears to be...  

It’s nearly commonplace to find the deceased buried in a boarding house garden. Gertrude Marvel’s residents don’t realize they aren’t safe. Marvel’s palisade garden faithful become prisoners once they step into it. When a visitor tries to leave, the thorns trap the foolish victim. All that is left is a pile of shredded clothing.
  The remains go to the spiders that watch over the graves and take care of the corpse leftovers. No compost out does a blend of hominid. The odor is a distinctive, but it doesn’t take long. Rarely is a scream heard. And It saves Gertrude from having to do away with the boarders who out stay their welcomes or don’t pay their rent. She merely sends them out into the garden with a cup of rosemary tea.   Note of Caution: locals never make a fuss about Gertude’s flower palisade garden. They stay clear of her picket fence lest an overly aggressive thorn grows through to grab them.

Palisade Garden

Marvel Spider Garden

Marvel Spider Garden by ROD w/Midjourney

Cover image: DKL Black Roses Banner by ROD w/Midjourney


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