The Specter Calliope

Black Ichor Scenarios include "soft" horror text and graphics.
It may not be suitable for children or the skittery to read.
Opinion of the writer: PG-13 material.
Big Top Circus Ringmaster, Elbert Imeson realized that his devoted specters are following him from town to town. He was not sure what he could do to keep them quiet during the day. Until he discovered a calliope left by a competitor, he let them the dead run loose. His circus tents were too porous to hold them and too expensive to put them up without making use of them. He advertised every tent included performers in all three rings. The two smaller tents were used to rehearse with the creatures he collected. Two of his creatures were dangerous to practice together or with inexperienced humans.
Elbert Imeson knew the dead would gather there during the night when they heard the contraption’s music. So the night before the Circus opened, he ordered his riggers to set it down just inside the back gate’s bog. After a night of raucous frolicking, the ghosts sunk to the bottom with the building. Elbert Imeson kept the specters sealed during the day with Calliope. But not for good. Because Elbert feared and appreciated his fans, he struck a fool’s bargain with the dead. He’d have his riggers pull the Calliope up and out at nightfall after the last tent performance. Now they roam throughout the community at will from dusk to dawn. Not until the Circus leaves will the shadows leave with it.
Big Top Calliope
Big Top Calliope by ROD w/Midjourney
Ringmaster by ROD w/Midjourney

Cover image: DKL Black Roses Banner by ROD w/Midjourney


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