B'zuuzhal "God of Lies and betrayal" (Bah-Zoo-Zal)

Worshippers of B'zuuzhal are only concerned with self gratification and coveting all things desired. B'Zuuzhal is not necessarily a violent god, but his followers will not refuse murderous paths that lead to their goals. B'zuuzhal is the creator of nothing and has fathered no races or kin of any kind. He only exists to take from others without regret or remorse and he will use all manners of dishonesty and sin to do so.    B'zuuzhal is often depicted as a beautiful, or handsome, and commonly changes gender throughout historical record and biblical texts.

Divine Domains

B'zuuzhal has no domain and freely visits the Material Realm in search of willing followers.

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of B'zuuzhal is a evil book consisting on various ways to trick and trap mortals into suffering for your reward. It contains historical and biblical reference to many followers who achieved power or reward through the use of B'zuuzhal's teachings. It also has plenty of references of loyal followers who ultimately suffered after failing B'zuuzhal's wishes.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Followers of B'zuuzhal will normally carve (or burn) the God's symbol somewhere on their body. B'zuuzhal will not aid any creature without first doing so. The symbol is a circle with a zig-zag inside it that resembles the letter Z.

Tenets of Faith

  • Serve yourself through serving B'zuuzhal
  • All things desired are yours to take.
  • The lie is better than the truth.
  • Bravery is always foolish.
  • Survival is always wise.
  • Love whatever you desire.
  • Control whatever you love.
  • Never betray B'zuuzhal (or B'zuuzhal will bamboozal and use you all.)

Divine Goals & Aspirations

B'zuuzhal has no goal to disrupt the world as it is now. The Material Realm is perfectly balanced for B'zuuzhal's needs and this allows a constant supply of people with desires to prey on. B'zuuzhal is commonly influencing individuals (or small groups) to spread selfishness and trickery.
Divine Classification
NE God


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