Farni "Goddess of Harvest and Home" Character in Cruul | World Anvil

Farni "Goddess of Harvest and Home" (FAR-NEE)

Farni is the mother of halflings and the creator of farming and harvest. She is a passive Goddess with no concerns of mortal conflict outside matters of the home. Farni blesses her luckiest followers healthy family and bountiful harvest while reserving blight and dead soil on those who offend her. Clerics of Farni can not cast damage spells and can not use weapons.   Farni is often depicted as a motherly figure commonly holding harvested foods or children.  

Faith Facts.

  • Farni is a pacifist God and she teaches against violence.
  • Followers of Farni practice humble lifestyles and good manners.
  • Farni is the main God of HalflingKind with most praying only to her.
  • Clerics of Farni always produce bountiful crops.
  • Clerics of Farni can remove natural blight from land.
  • Clerics of Farni have a 10% chance per level to remove magical blight from land.
  • Farni is the sister of Na'tari .

Divine Domains

Farni has domain over agriculture and harvest. She has no concerns with mortal conflict and dedicates all of her power to blessing the homes and farms of her followers.


Artifacts in the form of tools and seeds have been found throughout time. They are extremely rare and usually appear to followers who have pleased Farni.

Holy Books & Codes

There are no religious texts or great written works of Farni.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Farni is a woman cradling a bundle of harvested wheat like its a child.

Tenets of Faith

  • Plant when it is time to plant.
  • Harvest when it is time to harvest.
  • Raise hands to farm land not to harm man.
  • Concern yourself with home and health.
  • Do not work too much. Do not Rest too much.
  • Do not starve too much. Do not eat too much.
  • Kindness and generosity bring Farni closer to you.


The largest holiday of Farni would be the harvest days of "Festafarni", a week long Festival celebrated across many good cultures of Cruul. It consists of harvesting the last crops of the year and then sharing all bounties in a festival of song, dance, food and thanks.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Farni only desires to feed and shelter those wise enough to follow her path. She blesses families with health and harvest every year.
Divine Classification
NG God


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