Kingdom of Vangash Organization in Cruul | World Anvil

Kingdom of Vangash (VAN-GASH)

The Kingdom of Vangash is a vast and prosperous region located in the northern reaches of the continent of Cruul. It is home to the human race known as the Gashens, who trace their ancestry back to Vangasha Vangash, one of the first four humans to ever exist. The Kingdom was founded in the year 222 by Vangasha and has been ruled by a line of kings, with the current monarch being King Vander Pontifex Vandergash III and his loving wife Queen Vivian Maxrelda Vandergash. The Kingdom of Vangash is known for its wealth, prosperity, and strong sense of community. The Gashen people are known for their hardworking and resilient nature as well as their love for art and material luxuries. It is a land of great beauty, with rolling hills, forests, mountains, and lakes, and is home to a diverse range of cultures and traditions.  

Early years.

The early days of the Kingdom of Vangash were filled with prosperity and harmony. The land was blessed by the elves, and the people of Vangash lived in harmony with nature, relying on farming and hunting to sustain themselves. Despite their expensive tastes, the people of Vangash were a peaceful and progressive society, thanks in part to the guidance of their founders, Vangasha and the three gods: Na'tari, Farni, and Ha'jixx. Together, they worked to build a thriving community that would thrive for generations to come.  

Middle Ages.

  The middle ages in Vangash were a time of great turmoil, as the kingdom was constantly under threat from the Crude hoards, a fierce and numerous group of monsters hailing from the Crugarren mountains. These hoards, mostly consisting of bugbears and goblins, were a constant threat to Vangash and its people, and the kingdom was forced to fight for its survival in numerous battles and wars. In order to defend themselves, the people of Vangash studied and employed magic against their enemies, and by the end of the middle ages, their military and magical capabilities had been honed into an unstoppable force that finally succeeded in pushing the Crude hoards back to the Crugarren Mountains  During this time, the northern regions of Vangash were also affected by a sudden and inexplicable shift in the weather, as the once warm and welcoming climate began to give way to a bitter frost. This unprecedented cold settled over the capital city, enveloping it in a perpetual winter that has confounded scholars and scientists to this day. Despite their efforts to understand and reverse this strange phenomenon, the cause of the unending winter remains a mystery.    

Modern Time.

Vangash is a kingdom of prosperity and strength in the present day. Under the rule of King Vander Pontifex Vandergash III, the kingdom is well-governed and prepared to defend itself against any threats. The people of Vangash are known for their love of luxury and enjoyment, with a population that craves the finer things in life. They are home to the largest collection of literature in the world and the second largest magical library. The citizens of Vangash enjoy religious freedom and the right to worship any good or neutral deities. They are also known for their love of exotic foods, extravagant fashion, and lavish celebrations, which has given them a reputation for being decadent and frivolous. However, despite this reputation, the people of Vangash are fiercely proud of their kingdom and its rich history.


The Kingdom is ruled by the king while Law is decided on by man. Churches of all Good and Balanced Gods are welcome but do not hold position over judging legal procedure or sentencing.


The people of Vangash are known for having expensive tastes in all the things they enjoy. They are occupied with the lives of Royalty and enjoy gossip and vapid escapism. Due to abundant resources the common Gashen family is more concerned with appearing wealthier than their neighbor than they are with most matters.

Public Agenda

Vangash's agendas are properly set in the following order.
  • Protect the Crown.
  • Progress and innovation within the spheres of magical/scientific knowledge.
  • Maintain or enforce peace within the Kingdom
  • Maintain or enforce peaceful relations with all boarding nations or Kingdoms.
  • Maintain or enforce peace with the nations and Kingdoms of the world.
  • Maintain or enforce trade with all available markets both foreign and domestic.
  • Defend Vangash's honor and reputation.


Vangash has many assests that make it the 2nd richest Kingdom in the world. From endless forests to hunt or produce lumber to the resource rich mountains that run through its northern reaches, Vangash has amassed enough wealth to make even Pilthur the God of Pilfering blush.


Vangash is very liberal on matters of religious freedom. They have popular churches that service multiple Gods under one roof and it is your protected right to worship any Good or Balanced God.

Foreign Relations

  • Hamar sees Vangash as overly concerned with material quests, but still honors them as brothers.
  • Dunder has little tolerance for the ways of Vangash, seeing them as weak and overly fed.
  • Crim has great trade relations with Vangash and welcomes their coin, commodities and luxuries.
  • Dwarves enjoy trading gems, jewels and precious metals with Vangash.
  • Elves do not approve of Vangashian history and refuse them for it.
  • Gnomes do not trade or do business with Vangash.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Gash, Gashian, Gashen


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