Crystal King - Public Rank/Title in Crystal Kings | World Anvil

Crystal King - Public

Crystal King is a tittle for those both blessed, cursed, loved, and hated. Blessed are the Crystal Kings for it is a title granted while still in the womb, for each King is a soul chosen by a God for a destiny and purpose. Albeit a purpose, that is in truth, unobtainable for a single King and a destiny shrouded in lonely duty and power. Each King wields  nigh unmatchable power from sources both divine and arcane, along with the faith, souls, and lives of millions of mortals willing to fight and die by the word of their King. Cursed are the Crystal Kings, for to be chosen as a future King, means that they shall never truly know the joys of living with and having a family of their own. Loved are the Kings, for they seek to right the wrongness of the broken world, and in turn they are hated by those who seek to further break the world in their own selfish pursuits.  A Crystal King is a beacon of hope in the broken remains of a world remembered only by the longest living of beings.


It is not a title that can be earned. Each King is chosen before birth by the related God when the previous King is killed. The Chosen are trained until they reach the age of twenty three. They are then tested until the age of twenty five, at which point they publicly claim their title by assuming the throne at the heart of their related Great Crystal


The requirements set during the age of testing is sent to the overseeing clerics to by the related god. This is usually in the form of gods appearing to the in their dreams.


A Chosen claiming their title of king usually begins with a week of festivities including many attractions. Feats of both physical and mental ability, displays of magic for the crowds, Food from Kingdoms near across the world, fireworks and parades among other events planned and coordinated throughout their associated city-state. Both public and private meetings with their soon to be fellow Crystal Kings take place during this time. At the end of the week the Chosen announces that they are claiming their throne and leave the festivities with a small elite guard retinue. At the outer sanctum they are left by their guard because the energies inside the inner sanctum and heart of the Great Crystals can easily tear an unprepared or weak soul apart. Inside the heart of the crystal the Chosen sits on a throne, formed from the crystal itself, and are then imbued with the full breadth of powers of a Crystal King.


A Crystal King is each the Avatar of a god and leader of a city-state and associated vassal states. Each of the Kings is a trained and incredibly skilled tactician well as a nearly unstoppable engine of death and destruction in combat. Though few things truly require their direct intervention, a King never fails to take control when needed in both civilian and military matters.


Kings are leaders for their people through times of joyous peace and in the bloody hell war. Though they make use of delegation in many aspects of leadership, each King is ready to take charge in a situation proven to be beyond the abilities of their followers. A King always has final say on any government legislature or action taken by their city-state nation. This includes issues and policies both domestic and involving foreign powers such as the other Kings or the leaders of the Free Peoples.


A Chosen never needs nor wants for anything while growing up. Once made a fully fledged King they no longer need to eat, drink, or breathe to live, though some continue to do so out of habit. No comfort is beyond their reach and many of their peoples would gladly give their King the shirt off their back and the food on their plate. Despite it being largely unneeded, a personal guard accompanies them almost everywhere regardless if it is in the shadows or in public sight.

Accoutrements & Equipment

A kings special gear and dress is unique to each King and each item possess magic from a basic to artifact levels of power.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A King can never be removed or dismissed. Though a new Chosen is made upon it, each King keeps their title in death and is buried with title and their true name recorded for all to know. In the event of a King's death, a period of state wide mourning begins and lasts until the next Chosen is revealed.


The title of the Crystal Kings begins with the end of the world that was. Demonic corruption had long been slowly breaking the world and leaving many desperate to stop it. Humbata led the gods in the Great Crystal Project, a plan to create barrier that would stabilize the breaking world and end the threat of the Fiends. The Crystal Kings are the Avatars of the gods that remained loyal to Humbata when his sister, Itatma, lead other gods in betrayal and subversion at the twisting whispers of fiends in what should have been silent times.

Cultural Significance

A Crystal King is the center of their respective city-state's culture. Fads are born and die based on their personal tastes. Traces of these fads can be found in many facets of life. Like the fashion, sections of cities have differing styles and colors based on the style of the time.
Magical, Honorific
in effect.
Form of Address
(namesake) King (God's Name), when speaking to fellow Kings. My King, when spoken to by one of their loyal people.
Equates to
Traitor Kings, God-Fiends, Arch-fiends
Source of Authority
divine edict
Length of Term
Of age, 23-25 years, to death.


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Jan 9, 2022 18:56

I loved the article. There is lots of cool details and flavor. I always have trouble writing Titles, but yours has shown me good way to do them. Thanks. Are the Crystal Kings always humans or can there be other races as well?

Jan 27, 2022 09:51

Thank you for the question, looks like article needs an update. It depends on the King. Dragon King Humbata it can be humans or dragonborn, for Lion King Bohara it is human, tabaxi, or leonin.